
Terms belong to higher-order logic, with prenex polymorphism. In general we denote terms as \( t \) or \( u \) (with indices if needed).

(TODO: provide some citations)

(TODO: specify types)

The term can be constructed in the following ways:

  • Variables, denoted \( x, y, z \). They can be free, or bound. Variables are typed.

  • Applications, denoted (f t1 t2 t3). Partial applications are transparent, meaning that (f t1 t2 t3) is short for (((f t1) t2) t3).

  • Constants, denoted \( a, b, c, f, g, h \) (where \(a,b,c\) are of atomic type and \(f, g, h\) are functions by convention).

    Polymorphic constants are applied to type arguments. Quip does not accept a term made of a partially applied constant: polymorphism constants must always be applied to enough type arguments.

    NOTE: This does not include constants introduced by the prover using (deft <name> <term>) steps. In that construct, say (deft c (f a b)), c and (f a b) are considered syntactically equal; the proof checker can just expand c into (f a b) at parse time and then forget entirely about c.

  • Binders, such as \( \lambda (x:\tau). t \), or \( \forall (x:\tau). t \). The latter is a shortcut for the application \( \text{forall}~ (\lambda (x:\tau). term) \) (where \( \text{forall} \) is a constant of type \( \Pi a. (a \to \text{bool}) \to \text{bool} \) ).

    With lambda-abstraction comes \( \beta\)-reduction (more details in the rules section).

  • Box is a special term constructor that has no logical meaning. We denote it (box <clause>), and it is equivalent to the boolean term represented by the clause. The use case of box is to hide the clause within so that it appears as an atomic constant to most rules but the ones specifically concerned with handling box.

    For example (box (cl (- (forall (x:τ) (p x))) (+ (p a)))) represents the boolean term \( \lnot (\forall x:τ. p~ x) \lor p~ a \).

    The benefit of box becomes apparent when one tries to use clauses to represent conditional proofs. If I want to represent that I have a proof of A assuming a proof of B, where B is a clause and not just a literal, and A is the clause {l_1, …, l_n}, then the simplest way to do so is: (cl (cl l_1 … l_n (- (box B)))).

    See the rules about box.