
This is a very simple SMT problem in the category QF_UF, representing the problem \( a=b \land f~a = c \vdash f~b = c \) by trying to contradict it:

(set-logic QF_UF)
(declare-sort u 0)
(declare-fun a () u)
(declare-fun b () u)
(declare-fun c () u)
(declare-fun f (u) u)

(assert (= a b))
(assert (= (f a) c))
(assert (not (= (f b) c)))

With Sidekick's experimental proof producing mode, we solve this problem (it replies "UNSAT"):

$ sidekick example-pb.smt2 -o example-proof.quip
Unsat (0.003/0.000/0.000)

And we get the following proof:

(quip 1
 (steps ()
  ((deft $t1 (f a))
   (deft $t2 (= $t1 c))
   (deft $t3 (= a b))
   (deft $t4 (f b))
   (deft $t5 (= c $t4))
   (stepc c0 (cl (- $t2) (- $t3) (+ $t5))
    (cc-lemma (cl (- $t2) (- $t3) (+ $t5))))
   (stepc c1 (cl (- $t5)) (assert (not $t5)))
   (stepc c2 (cl (+ $t3)) (assert $t3))
   (stepc c3 (cl (+ $t2)) (assert $t2))
   (stepc c4 (cl )
    (hres (init (ref c0)) (r1 (ref c3)) (r1 (ref c2)) (r1 (ref c1)))))))

NOTE: the proof uses the S-expression format, but I do hope to have a more efficient binary format relatively early on.

Detailed explanation

  • proof start with (quip <version> <proof>). For now version is 1.

  • (steps (<assumptions>) (<steps>)) is the main composite proof rule. Let's ignore the assumptions for now. Each step in this rule is either a symbol definition (see below) or a (stepc <name> <clause> <proof>), which introduce a name for an intermediate lemma (the clause) as proved by the sub-proof.

    A side-effect of this is that you can have partially correct1 proofs if a step is used correctly in the remainder of the proof, but its proof is invalid.

  • (deft $t1 (f a)) is a term definition. It defines the new symbol $t1 as a syntactic shortcut for the term (f a), to be expanded as early as possible by the proof checker.

    Similarly, $t5 is short for (= c (f b)).

    This kind of definition becomes important in larger proofs, where re-printing a whole term every time it is used would be wasteful and would bloat proof files. Using definitions we can preserve a lot of sharing in the proofs.

  • (stepc c0 …) is the first real step of the proof. Here, c0 is the clause { - $t2, - $t3, + $t5 }, and is proved by the proof (cc-lemma …) (a congruence closure lemma, i.e. a tautology of equality). It is, in essence, the proof we seek; the rest of the steps are used to derive a contradiction by deducing "false" from c0 and our initial assumptions.

  • the steps deducing c1, c2, and c3 do so by using assert (meaning that the clause is actually an assumption of the initial problem), and then "preprocessing" them.

    For (stepc c1 (cl (- $t5)) (hres (init (assert (not $t5))) (p1 (refl $t5)))) we get the following tree:

    \[ \cfrac{ \cfrac{}{$t5 ~\tiny{(assume)}} \qquad \cfrac{}{$t5 = $t5 ~\tiny{(refl)}} }{$t5 ~\tiny{(para1)}} \]

    In this tree we can see the general shape of preprocessing terms: assume the initial term ± t, prove + (t = u) (where u is the simplified version), and then use boolean paramodulation to obtain ± u.

    It just so happens that no meaningful simplification occurred and so t and u are the same, and sidekick did not shorten the proof accordingly into (stepc c1 (cl (- $t5)) (assert (not $t5)))


or partially incorrect, depending on your point of view. Glass half-full and all that.