Atomic rules

  • ref ((ref <name>)): returns a proof previously defined using stepc (see composite proofs below) or a unit clause corresponding to a local assumption of steps. There is no need to re-prove anything, we assume the step was valid and just reuse its conclusion.

    In other words, (ref c5) coming after (defc c5 (cl (+ p) (+ q)) <proof>) is a trivial proof of the clause (cl (+ p) (+ q)).

    The serialization might use "@" instead of "ref".

  • refl ((refl <term>)): (refl t) is a proof of the clause (cl (+ (= t t))).

  • assert ((assert <term>)): proves a unit clause (cl (+ t)) (if the term is t), but only if it matches exactly an assertion/hypothesis of the original problem.

    (TODO: be able to refer to the original formula by file+name if it was provided)

  • hres ((hres <proof> <hstep>+)): a fold-like operation on the initial proof's result. It can represent a resolution step, or hyper-resolution, or some boolean paramodulation steps. As opposed to the other rules which are mostly useful for preprocessing/simplification of the original problem, this is expected to be one of the main inference rules for resolution/superposition provers.

    The proof step (hres (init p0) h1 h2 … hn) starts with the clause C0 obtained by validating p0. It then applies each "h-step" in the order they are presented. Assuming the current clause is C == (cl l1 … lm), each h-step can be one of the following:

    • resolution ((r <term> <proof>)): (r t proof) resolves proof into a clause D which must contain a literal (+ t) or (- t). Then it performs boolean resolution between the current clause C and the clause D with pivot literal (+ t).

      Without loss of generality let's assume the proof returns D where \( D \triangleq D' \lor (+ t) \), and \( C \triangleq C' \lor (- t) \). Then the new clause is \( C' \lor D' \).

    • unit resolution ((r1 <proof>)): (r1 proof) resolves proof into a clause D which must be a unit-clause (i.e. exactly one literal). Since there is not ambiguity on the pivot, it performs unit resolution between C and D on the unique literal of D.

    • boolean-paramodulation ((p <term> <term> <proof>)): (p lhs rhs proof) resolves proof into a clause D which must contain a literal (+ (= lhs rhs)), where both lhs and rhs are boolean terms. In other words, \( D \triangleq lhs = rhs \lor D' \).

      The current clause C must contain a literal (± lhs); ie. \( C \triangleq C' \lor ± lhs \).

      the result is obtained by replacing lhs with rhs in C and adding D' back. Mathematically:

      \[ \cfrac{ lhs = rhs \lor D' \qquad lhs \lor C' }{ C' \lor D' \lor rhs } \]

    • unit-boolean-paramodulation ((p1 <proof>)): Same as p but the proof must return a unit clause (+ (= lhs rhs)).

  • r ((r <term> <proof> <proof>)): resolution on the given pivot between the two clauses.

    The proof term (r pivot p1 p2) corresponds to (hres p1 (r pivot p2)).

  • r1 ((r1 <proof> <proof>)): unit resolution. The shortcut (r1 p1 p2) allows the user to omit the pivot if one the the two proofs is unit (ie. has exactly one literal). It is the same as (hres p1 (r1 p2)).

  • rup ((rup <clause> <proof>+)): (rup c steps) proves the clause c by reverse unit propagation (RUP) on the results of steps. This corresponds to linear resolution but without specifying pivots nor the order.

  • cc-lemma ((ccl <clause>)): proves a clause c if it's a tautology of the theory of equality. There should generally be n negative literals and one positive literal, all of them equations.

    An example:

        (- (= a b))
        (- (= (f b) c))
        (- (= c c2))
        (- (= (f c2) d))
        (+ (= (f (f a)) d))))
  • cc-imply ((cc-imply (<proof>*) <term> <term>)): a shortcut step that combines cc-lemma and hres for more convenient proof production. Internally the checker should be able to reuse most of the implementation logic of cc-lemma.

    (cc-imply (p1 … pn) t u) takes n proofs, all of which must have unit equations as their conclusions (say, p_i proves (cl (+ (= t_i u_i)))); and two terms t and u; and it returns a proof of (cl (+ (= t u))) if the clause (cl (- (= t_1 u_1)) (- (= t_2 u_2)) … (- (= t_n u_n)) (+ (= t u))) is a valid equality lemma (one that cc-lemma would validate).

    In other words, (cc-lemma (p1…pn) t u) could be expanded (using fresh names for steps) to:

    (steps ()
      ((stepc c_1 (cl (+ (= t_1 u_1))) p_1)
       (stepc c_2 (cl (+ (= t_2 u_2))) p_2)
       (stepc c_n (cl (+ (= t_n u_n))) p_n)
       (stepc the_lemma
        (cl (- (= t_1 u_1)) (- (= t_2 u_2)) … (- (= t_n u_n)) (+ (= t u)))
          (cl (- (= t_1 u_1)) (- (= t_2 u_2)) … (- (= t_n u_n)) (+ (= t u)))))
       (stepc res (cl (+ (= t u)))
          (init (ref the_lemma))
          (r1 (ref c_1))
          (r1 (ref c_2))
          (r1 (ref c_n))))))
  • clause-rw ((clause-rw <clause> <proof> (<proof>*))): the term (clause-rw c p steps) proves c from the result c0 of p using a series of equations in steps. Each equation in step is used to rewrite at least one literal of c0; no new literal is added, c is obtained purely by rewriting literals of c0, (or simplifying away if the literal rewrites to false).

    A possible way to check this step is as follows.

    • Compute c0 and the results of steps d1, …, dn which should be positive equations or positive atoms (a standing for a=true).
    • Given c == (a1 \/ a2 \/ … \/ a_m), assert ¬a1, ¬a2, …, ¬a_m into a congruence closure (where asserting a means asserting a = true, and asserting ¬a means asserting a = false).
    • For each literal b of c0 in turn, assert b into the congruence closure and query for true == false before undoing the assertion of b. If true == false can be proved from each case of b, then the step is valid, because c0 /\ d1 … dn |= c.

    This rule is convenient for preprocessing of clauses. Each term can be preprocessed (rewritten into a simpler form) individually, possibly leading to the literal beeing removed (when shown absurd by preprocessing), and clause-rw can be used to tie together all these rewriting steps.

    For example, (cl (+ (ite (x+1 > x) p q)) (+ false) (+ t)) could be simplified into (cl (+ p) (+ u)) assuming t simplifies to u. The proof would look like:

    (stepc c (cl (+ p) (+ u))
      (clause-rw (cl (+ p) (+ u))
        (<proof of input clause)
        ((<proof of t=u)
         (<proof of ite simplification>))))
  • nn ((nn <proof>)): not-normalization: a normalization step that transforms some literals in a clause. It turns (- (not a)) into (+ a), and (+ (not a)) into (- a).

  • true is true (t-is-t): the lemma (cl (+ true)).

  • true neq false (t-ne-f): the lemma (cl (- (= true false))).

  • bool-c ((bool-c <name> <term>+)): (bool-c <name> <terms>) proves a boolean tautology of depth 1 using the particular sub-rule named <name> with some term argument(s). In other words, it corresponds to one construction or destruction axioms for the boolean connective and, or, =>, boolean =, xor, not, forall, exists.

    The possible axioms are:

    (and-i (and A1…An))(cl (- A1) … (- An) (+ (and A1…An)))
    (and-e (and A1…An) Ai)(cl (- (and A1…An)) (+ Ai))
    (or-e (or A1…An))(cl (- (or A1…An)) (+ A1) … (+ An))
    (or-i (or A1…An) Ai)(cl (- Ai) (+ (or A1…An)))
    (imp-e (=> A1…An B))(cl (- (=> A1…An B)) (- A1)…(- An) (+ B))
    (imp-i (=> A1…An B) Ai)(cl (+ Ai) (+ (=> A1…An B)))
    (imp-i (=> A1…An B) B)(cl (- B) (+ (=> A1…An B)))
    (not-e (not A))(cl (- (not A)) (+ A))
    (not-i (not A))(cl (- A) (+ (not A))
    (eq-e (= A B) A)(cl (- (= A B)) (- A) (+ B))
    (eq-e (= A B) B)(cl (- (= A B)) (- B) (+ A))
    (eq-i+ (= A B))(cl (+ A) (+ B) (+ (= A B)))
    (eq-i- (= A B))(cl (- A) (- B) (+ (= A B)))
    (xor-e- (xor A B))(cl (- (xor A B)) (- A) (- B))
    (xor-e+ (xor A B))(cl (- (xor A B)) (+ A) (+ B))
    (xor-i (xor A B) B)(cl (+ A) (- B) (+ (xor A B)))
    (xor-i (xor A B) A)(cl (- A) (+ B) (+ (xor A B)))
    (forall-e P E)(cl (- (forall P)) (+ (P E)))
    (forall-i P(cl (- (= (\x. P x) true)) (+ (forall P)))
    (exists-e P)(cl (- (exists P)) (+ (P (select P))))
    (exists-i P)cl (- (P x)) (+ (exists P)) (where x fresh)
  • bool-eq ((bool-eq <term> <term>)): (bool-eq t u) proves the clause (cl (+ (= t u))) (where t and u are both boolean terms) if t simplifies to u via a basic simplification step.

    This rule corresponds to the axioms:

    TODO: also give names to sub-rules here

    (= (not true) false)
    (= (not false) true)
    (= (not (not t)) t)
    (= (= true A) A)
    (= (= false A) (not A))
    (= (xor true A) (not A))
    (= (xor false A) A)
    (= (= t t) true)
    (= (or t1…tn true u1…um) true)
    (= (or false false) false)
    (= (=> true A) A)
    (= (=> false A) true)
    (= (=> A true) true)
    (= (=> A false) (not A))
    (= (or false false) false)
    (= (and t1…tn false u1…um) false)
    (= (and true true) true)
  • \( \beta \)-reduction ((beta-red <term> <term>)): Given (lambda (x:τ) body) and u, returns the clause (cl (+ (= ((lambda (x:τ) body) u) body[x := u]))) where body[x := u] denotes the term obtained by substituting x with u in body in a capture avoiding way.

    Mathematically: \[ \vdash (\lambda x:\tau. t)~ u = t[x := u] \]

  • substitution ((subst <subst> <proof>)): (subst sigma p) returns the same claues as p, but where free variables have been replaced according to the substitution. A substitution has the form (x1 e1 x2 e2 … xn en) where x_i are names (variables) and e_i are expressions. Bindings are parallel (substitution doesn't apply recursively).

    For example, (subst (x a y (f x)) p), when p proves (cl (+ (p x)) (+ q y)), proves (cl (+ (p a)) (+ q (f x))). x is not substituted again in the image of y.

TODO: lra (in own file) TODO: datatypes (in own file)

TODO: instantiation

TODO: reasoning under quantifiers