Composite rule

The main structuring construct for proofs is steps. Its structure is (steps (<assumption>*) (<step>+)).

  • Each assumption is a pair (<name> <literal>). As a reminder, literals are of the shape (+ t) or (- t).

    These assumptions can be used in the steps by using (ref <name>) (see below), which is a trivial proof of the unit clause (cl <literal>).

  • Each step is one of:

    • Term definition ((deft <name> <term>)), which introduces an alias for a term. <name> must not be in the signature of the original problem.

      Logically speaking, after (deft c t), c and t are syntactically the same. c has no real existence, it is only a shortcut, so a proof of (cl (+ (= c t))) can be simply (refl t) (or (refl c)).

    • Reasoning step ((stepc <name> <clause> <proof>)): (stepc name clause proof) (where name must be fresh: be defined nowhere else) introduces name as a shortcut for proof in the following steps.

      The result of proof must be exactly clause, otherwise the step fails. This means we can start using (ref name) in the following steps before we validate proof, since we know the result ahead. In a high-performance proof checker this is a good opportunity for parallelisation, where proof can be checked in parallel with other steps that make use of its result.

  • The result of (steps (A1 … Am) (S1 … Sn)), where the last step Sn has as conclusion a clause C with literals (cl l1 … ln), is the clause (cl l1 … ln ¬A1 … ¬Am).

    In particular, if Sn proves the empty clause, then (steps …) proves that at least one assumption must be false. If both Sn's conclusion and the list of assumptions are empty, then the result is the empty clause.

  • The list of assumptions can be useful either for subproofs, or to produce a proof of unsatisfiability for the SMTLIB v2.6 statement (check-sat-assuming (<lit>+)).

Toplevel composite rule

The syntax allows the toplevel composite rule (i.e. the main proof, as opposed to a subproof) to be flattened into a list of S-expressions.

It's probably not very useful to have assumptions here1.

For example, a proof could look like:

(quip 1)


famous last words.