Overall design

A Quip proof is organized around a few main notions: terms, substitutions, clauses, and proof steps.

  • Terms are expressions in a simple higher-order logic similar to the ones of HOL light, HOL, Isabelle/HOL, etc. It features prenex polymorphism, applications, equality, variables, and lambda abstractions.

    An example term might be \( p~ x = (\lambda y. f~ x~ y = y) \) where \( p \) is a predicate symbol and \( f \) a function symbol. We use here a ML-like syntax with currying.

  • Substitutions are finite mappings from variables to terms, noted as such: \( \{ x_1 \mapsto t_1, \ldots, x_n \mapsto t_n \} \).

    Applying a substitution to a term yields a new term, where the variables have been replaced by their image in the substitution (or kept if they're not bound in the substitution)

  • Clauses are sets of literals1, where each literal is a tuple \( sign, term \). The sign of a literal is a boolean that indicates whether the term is positive (true) or negative (false). A negative literal (false, t) fundamentally represents \( \lnot t \) but is distinct from the term \( \lnot t \) because the polarity (the sign) is only relevant in the context of a clause.

    We will denote a negative literal as \( - t \) and a positive literal as \( + t \).

    An example clause might be: \[ \{ - (a=b), - (c=d), + ((f~ a~ c) = (f~ b~ d)) \} \] It represents the basic congruence lemma: \[ a=b, c=d \vdash f~ a~ c = f~ b~ d \]

  • Proof steps are the basic building blocks of proofs. A proof step is composed of:

    • a rule, which indicates how to process this step;
    • a conclusion, which is the clause that this proof step produces;
    • a set of premises, which are inputs to the proof step.
    • optionally, some additional arguments such as terms, substitutions, etc.

    A proof step asserts (via its particular rule) that the set of premises implies its conclusion. In practice not all the elements of a step might be explicitly written down! For example \( \text{refl}~ t \) (with \( t \) a term) is a basic proof step with rule "refl", no premises, and conclusion \( \{ + (t = t) \} \).

A distinguishing feature of Quip compared to some other proof formats such as the one in VeriT is that the rules are high-level and require proof checkers to do more work in order to verify them. In exchange, the hope is that we get more concise proofs that are also easier to produce from theorem provers.

TODO: citations for VeriT


Clauses can alternatively be seen as classical sequents, with negative elements on the left of \( \vdash \), and positive elements on the right of it.