Index of values

__ocaml_lex_tables [TopDownLexer]
__ocaml_lex_tables [BottomUpLexer]
__ocaml_lex_token_rec [TopDownLexer]
__ocaml_lex_token_rec [BottomUpLexer]
add [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

Add a rule to the system

add [TopDown.S.Index]

Add the term->data binding.

add [TopDown.S.BuiltinFun]

Interpret the given constant by the given function.

add_builtin [CamlInterface]
add_builtin [TopDown.S.DB]

Add a builtin fun

add_clause [TopDown.S.DB]
add_clauses [TopDown.S.DB]
add_fact [TopDown.S.DB]
add_facts [TopDown.S.DB]
add_list [CamlInterface.Rel3]
add_list [CamlInterface.Rel2]

Add given list of axioms

add_list [CamlInterface.Rel1]

Add given list of axioms

add_list [TopDown.S.Rewriting]
add_list [TopDown.S.BuiltinFun]
alpha_equiv [TopDown.S]

Test for alpha equivalence.

apply [CamlInterface.Rel3]
apply [CamlInterface.Rel2]
apply [CamlInterface.Rel1]

apply the relation symbol to some term

are_alpha_equiv [TopDown.S]

Special version of alpha_equiv, using distinct scopes for the two terms to test, and discarding the result

arity [BottomUp.S]

Number of subliterals of the literal.

array [CamlInterface.Univ]
ask [TopDown.S]

Returns the answers to a query in a given DB.

ask [BottomUp.S.Query]

Given a list of variables, and a list of literals that contain those variables, return a set.

ask_lits [TopDown.S]

Extension of TopDown.S.ask, where the query ranges over the list of variables (the term list), all of which must be bound in the list of literals that form a constraint.

bind [TopDown.S.Subst]

Bind a variable,scope to a term,scope

bool [CamlInterface.Univ]
builtin [TopDown.Default]

Default builtin functions

builtin_funs [TopDown.S.DB]
cardinal [BottomUp.S.Query]

Number of elements of the set

check_safe [BottomUp.S]

A datalog clause is safe iff all variables in its head also occur in its body

clause_are_alpha_equiv [TopDown.S]

Alpha equivalence of clauses.

clause_of_ast [Default]
clause_of_ast [TopDown.PARSE]
clause_of_string [TopDown.PARSE]

Parse a clause from a string, or fail.

clauses_of_ast [TopDown.PARSE]
clear [TopDown.S.DB]
clear [TopDown.S.Index]
compatible [CamlInterface.Univ]
compatible [BottomUp.Univ]
copy [TopDown.S.DB]
copy [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

Copy the rewriting system

copy [TopDown.S.Index]

Recursive copy of the index

create [CamlInterface.RelList]
create [CamlInterface.Rel3]
create [CamlInterface.Rel2]
create [CamlInterface.Rel1]

New relation, with given name and argument

create [TopDown.S.DB]
create [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

New rewriting system

create [TopDown.S.BuiltinFun]
create_ctx [TopDown.PARSE]
create_renaming [TopDown.S.Subst]
db_add [BottomUp.S]

Add the clause/fact to the DB as an axiom, updating fixpoint.

db_add_fact [BottomUp.S]

Add a fact (ground unit clause)

db_add_fun [BottomUp.S]

Add a function to be called on new literals.

db_copy [BottomUp.S]

Deep copy of the DB

db_create [BottomUp.S]

Create a DB

db_explain [BottomUp.S]

Explain the given fact by returning a list of facts that imply it under the current clauses, or raise Not_found

db_explanations [BottomUp.S]

Get all the explanations that explain why this clause is true

db_fold [BottomUp.S]

Fold on all clauses in the current DB (including fixpoint)

db_goal [BottomUp.S]

Add a goal to the DB.

db_goals [BottomUp.S]

Iterate on all current goals

db_match [BottomUp.S]

match the given literal with facts of the DB, calling the handler on each fact that match

db_mem [BottomUp.S]

Is the clause member of the DB?

db_premises [BottomUp.S]

Immediate premises of the fact (ie the facts that resolved with a clause to give the literal), plus the clause that has been used.

db_query [BottomUp.S]

Like BottomUp.S.db_match, but the additional int list is used to select bindings of variables in the literal.

db_size [BottomUp.S]

Size of the DB

db_subscribe_all_facts [BottomUp.S]
db_subscribe_fact [BottomUp.S]
db_subscribe_goal [BottomUp.S]
default_interpreters [TopDown.Default]

List of default interpreters for some symbols, mostly infix predicates

deref [TopDown.S.Subst]

While the term is a variable bound in subst, follow its binding.

embed [BottomUp.Univ]

Create a new embedding.

empty [TopDown.S.Index]

new, empty index

empty [TopDown.S.Subst]

Empty subst

eq [CamlInterface.Univ]
eq [TopDown.S.C]
eq [TopDown.S.Lit]
eq [TopDown.S.T]
eq_clause [BottomUp.S]

Check whether clauses are (syntactically) equal

eq_literal [BottomUp.S]

Are the literals equal?

eq_term [BottomUp.S]
equal [TopDown.CONST]
error_to_string [TopDownAst]
eval [TopDown.S.DB]

Evaluate the given term at root

eval [TopDown.S.BuiltinFun]

Evaluate the term at root

eval [TopDown.S.Subst]

Apply the substitution to the term.

eval_clause [TopDown.S.Subst]
eval_lit [TopDown.S.Subst]
eval_lits [TopDown.S.Subst]
fail [TopDownLexer]
find [CamlInterface.Rel3]
find [CamlInterface.Rel2]
find [CamlInterface.Rel1]

Iterate on all instances of the relation present in the DB

find_clauses_head [TopDown.S.DB]

find clauses whose head unifies with the given term, and give them along with the unifier, to the callback

find_facts [TopDown.S.DB]

find facts unifying with the given term, and give them along with the unifier, to the callback

find_interpretation [TopDown.S.DB]

Given an interpreted goal, try all interpreters on it, and match the query against their heads.

float [CamlInterface.Univ]
fmap [TopDown.S.C]
fmap [TopDown.S.Lit]
fmt [CamlInterface.Rel3]
fmt [CamlInterface.Rel2]
fmt [CamlInterface.Rel1]
fmt [TopDown.S.C]
fmt [TopDown.S.Lit]
fmt [TopDown.S.T]
from_fun [CamlInterface.Rel3]
from_fun [CamlInterface.Rel2]

The given function decides of the given relation (if it returns true for a couple of constants, then the relation holds for those constants)

from_fun [CamlInterface.Rel1]

The given function decides of the given relation (if it returns true for a constant, then the relation holds for this constant)

generalizations [TopDown.S.Index]

Retrieve data associated with terms that are a generalization of the given query term

get [CamlInterface.RelList]
get [CamlInterface.Rel3]
get [CamlInterface.Rel2]
get [CamlInterface.Rel1]

Check whether this term is a "R(t)" with t an object packed with the appropriate key, and "R" the name of the given relation

ground [TopDown.S.T]
hash [CamlInterface.Univ]
hash [TopDown.S.C]
hash [TopDown.S.Lit]
hash [TopDown.S.T]
hash [TopDown.CONST]
hash_clause [BottomUp.S]

Hash the clause

hash_literal [BottomUp.S]

Hash the literal

head_symbol [TopDown.S.C]
head_symbol [TopDown.S.T]
help [TopDown.S.DB]

Help messages for interpreted predicates

int [CamlInterface.Univ]
interpret [TopDown.S.DB]

Add an interpreter for the given constant.

interpret_list [TopDown.S.DB]

Add several interpreters, with their documentation

interpreted [TopDown.S.BuiltinFun]

Is the constant interpreted by a built-in function?

is_apply [TopDown.S.T]
is_const [TopDown.S.T]
is_fact [BottomUp.S]

A fact is a ground clause with empty body

is_ground [BottomUp.S]

Is the literal ground (a fact)?

is_interpreted [TopDown.S.DB]

Is the constant interpreted by some OCaml code?

is_var [TopDown.S.T]
iter [TopDown.S.Index]

Iterate on bindings

iter [BottomUp.S.Query]

Evaluate the set by iterating on it

lexing_error [BottomUpLexer]
list [CamlInterface.Univ]
lit_of_ast [TopDown.PARSE]
literal_of_ast [Default]
load_chan [CamlInterface.Parse]
load_file [CamlInterface.Parse]
load_string [CamlInterface.Parse]
loc_to_str [TopDownAst]
make [CamlInterface.RelList]
make [CamlInterface.Rel3]
make [CamlInterface.Rel2]
make [CamlInterface.Rel1]

Create a term from this relation description

make [BottomUp.Hashcons]

Hashcons the symbol

match_ [TopDown.S]

match_ a sa b sb matches the pattern a in scope sa with term b in scope sb.

max_var [TopDown.S.C]
max_var [TopDown.S.T]

max var, or 0 if ground

mk [TopDown.S.Lit]
mk_aggr [TopDown.S.Lit]
mk_apply [TopDown.S.T]
mk_apply_l [TopDown.S.T]
mk_clause [TopDown.S.C]
mk_clause [BottomUp.S]

Create a clause from a conclusion and a list of premises

mk_const [TopDown.S.T]
mk_const [BottomUp.S]
mk_fact [TopDown.S.C]
mk_literal [BottomUp.S]

Helper to build a literal.

mk_neg [TopDown.S.Lit]
mk_pos [TopDown.S.Lit]
mk_var [TopDown.S.T]
mk_var [BottomUp.S]
mk_vartbl [Default]
name [CamlInterface.RelList]
name [CamlInterface.Rel3]
name [CamlInterface.Rel2]
name [CamlInterface.Rel1]

Name of the relation

new_key [CamlInterface.Univ]

Create a new key.

num_clauses [TopDown.S.DB]
num_facts [TopDown.S.DB]
of_int [CamlInterface]
of_int [TopDown.PARSABLE_CONST]
of_soft_clause [BottomUp.S]
of_soft_lit [BottomUp.S]
of_string [CamlInterface]
of_string [TopDown.PARSABLE_CONST]
of_string [TopDown.CONST]
open_clause [BottomUp.S]

Deconstruct a clause

open_literal [BottomUp.S]

Deconstruct a literal

pack [CamlInterface.Univ]
pack [BottomUp.Univ]
pair [CamlInterface.Univ]
parse_chan [TopDown.PARSE]
parse_clause [TopDownParser]
parse_clause [BottomUpParser]
parse_file [TopDownParser]
parse_file [BottomUpParser]
parse_file [TopDown.PARSE]
parse_literal [TopDownParser]
parse_literal [BottomUpParser]
parse_literals [TopDownParser]
parse_literals [BottomUpParser]
parse_query [TopDownParser]
parse_query [BottomUpParser]
parse_string [TopDown.PARSE]
parse_term [TopDownParser]
pp [TopDown.S.C]
pp [TopDown.S.Lit]
pp [TopDown.S.T]
pp_clause [BottomUp.S]

Pretty print the clause

pp_literal [BottomUp.S]

Pretty print the literal

pp_plan [BottomUp.S.Query]

Print query plan

pp_term [BottomUp.S]
pp_tuple [TopDown.S.T]
print [CamlInterface.Univ]
print_error [TopDownAst]
print_location [TopDownLexer]
print_location [BottomUpLexer]
quantify1 [BottomUp.S]
quantify2 [BottomUp.S]
quantify3 [BottomUp.S]
quantify4 [BottomUp.S]
quantifyn [BottomUp.S]
query [TopDown.CONST]

Special symbol, that will never occur in any user-defined clause or term.

query_of_ast [Default]
reflexive [CamlInterface.Rel2]

reflexive db r makes r reflexive in db, ie for all X, r(X,X) holds in db.

remove [TopDown.S.Index]

Remove the term->data binding.

rename [TopDown.S.Subst]

Rename the given variable into a variable that is unique within variables known to the given renaming

reset_renaming [TopDown.S.Subst]
rewrite [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

Normalize the term recursively.

rewrite_root [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

rewrite the term, but only its root.

set_debug [TopDown.S]
setup_default [TopDown.Default]

Load the default interpreters and builtin functions into the DB

setup_handlers [TopDownUnix.S]
size [TopDown.S.DB]
size [TopDown.S.Index]

Number of bindings

string [CamlInterface.Univ]
subset [CamlInterface.Rel3]
subset [CamlInterface.Rel2]

subset db r1 r2 adds to db the axiom that r2(X,Y) :- r1(X,Y); in other words, r1 is a subset of r2 as a relation

subset [CamlInterface.Rel1]

subset db r1 r2 adds to db the axiom that r2(X) :- r1(X); in other words, r1 is a subset of r2 as a relation

symmetry [CamlInterface.Rel2]

Axiom for symmetry (ie "r(X,Y) <=> r(Y,X)") added to the DB

tc_of [CamlInterface.Rel2]

tc_of db ~tc r adds to db axioms that make the relation tc the transitive closure of the relation r.

term_of_ast [TopDown.PARSE]
term_of_string [TopDown.PARSE]
to_list [TopDown.S.Rewriting]

List of rules

to_list [BottomUp.S.Query]

Convert to a list

to_string [CamlInterface.Rel3]
to_string [CamlInterface.Rel2]
to_string [CamlInterface.Rel1]
to_string [TopDown.S.C]
to_string [TopDown.S.Lit]
to_string [TopDown.S.T]
to_string [TopDown.CONST]
to_string [BottomUp.SymbolType]
to_term [TopDown.S.Lit]
token [TopDownLexer]
token [BottomUpLexer]
transitive [CamlInterface.Rel2]

Axioms for transitivity are added to the DB

unify [TopDown.S.Index]

Retrieve data associated with terms that unify with the given query term

unify [TopDown.S]

Unify the two terms.

unit [CamlInterface.Univ]
unpack [CamlInterface.Univ]
unpack [BottomUp.Univ]
vars [TopDown.S.T]
version [Version]