Module type TopDown.S

module type S = sig .. end

module Const: TopDown.CONST 
type const = Const.t 
val set_debug : bool -> unit


module T: sig .. end


module Lit: sig .. end


module C: sig .. end


This module is used for variable bindings.

module Subst: sig .. end

Unification, matching...

type scope = Subst.scope 
exception UnifFail

For TopDown.S.unify and TopDown.S.match_, the optional parameter oc is used to enable or disable occur-check. It is disabled by default.

val unify : ?oc:bool ->
?subst:Subst.t ->
T.t ->
scope -> T.t -> scope -> Subst.t

Unify the two terms.

val match_ : ?oc:bool ->
?subst:Subst.t ->
T.t ->
scope -> T.t -> scope -> Subst.t

match_ a sa b sb matches the pattern a in scope sa with term b in scope sb.

val alpha_equiv : ?subst:Subst.t ->
T.t ->
scope -> T.t -> scope -> Subst.t

Test for alpha equivalence.

val are_alpha_equiv : T.t -> T.t -> bool

Special version of alpha_equiv, using distinct scopes for the two terms to test, and discarding the result

val clause_are_alpha_equiv : C.t -> C.t -> bool

Alpha equivalence of clauses.

Special built-in functions

The built-in functions are symbols that have a special meaning. The meaning is given by a set of OCaml functions that can evaluate applications of the function symbol to arguments.

For instance, sum is a special built-in function that tries to add its arguments if those are constants.

Note that a constant will never be interpreted.

module BuiltinFun: sig .. end

The following hashtables use alpha-equivalence checking instead of regular, syntactic equality

module TVariantTbl: Hashtbl.S  with type key = T.t
module CVariantTbl: Hashtbl.S  with type key = C.t


An index is a specialized data structured that is used to efficiently store and retrieve data by a key, where the key is a term. Retrieval involves finding all data associated with terms that match, or unify with, a given term.

module Index: 
functor (Data : Hashtbl.HashedType) -> sig .. end


Rewriting consists in having a set of rules, oriented from left to right, that we will write l -> r (say "l rewrites to r"). Any term t that l matches is rewritten into r by replacing it by sigma(r), where sigma(l) = t.

module Rewriting: sig .. end


A DB stores facts and clauses, that constitute a logic program. Facts and clauses can only be added.

Non-stratified programs will be rejected with NonStratifiedProgram.

exception NonStratifiedProgram
module DB: sig .. end


val ask : ?oc:bool ->
?with_rules:C.t list ->
?with_facts:T.t list ->
DB.t -> T.t -> T.t list

Returns the answers to a query in a given DB. Additional facts and rules can be added in a local scope.

oc : enable occur-check in unification (default false)
val ask_lits : ?oc:bool ->
?with_rules:C.t list ->
?with_facts:T.t list ->
DB.t ->
T.t list -> Lit.t list -> T.t list

Extension of TopDown.S.ask, where the query ranges over the list of variables (the term list), all of which must be bound in the list of literals that form a constraint.

ask_lits db vars lits queries over variables vars with the constraints given by lits.

Conceptually, the query adds a clause (v1, ..., vn) :- lits, which should respect the same safety constraint as other clauses.