Module CamlInterface

module CamlInterface: sig .. end

Bridge between Datalog.TopDown and OCaml

Constants with universal types

This module is present to allow the user to pack their own types into Datalog constants. It is NOT thread-safe. This is largely inspired by this thread

module Univ: sig .. end
type const = Univ.t 

Datalog constant. Constants for relations are built using CamlInterface.Univ.string, which is also used by CamlInterface.of_string.

val of_string : string -> const
val of_int : int -> const
module Logic: TopDown.S  with type Const.t = const

Typed relations

module Rel1: sig .. end
module Rel2: sig .. end
module Rel3: sig .. end
module RelList: sig .. end


module Parse: sig .. end


val add_builtin : Logic.DB.t -> unit