Allows the implementation of typed tree inspection using open recursion
type iterator = {
attribute : iterator -> Typedtree.attribute -> unit;
attributes : iterator -> Typedtree.attributes -> unit;
binding_op : iterator -> Typedtree.binding_op -> unit;
case : 'k. iterator -> 'k Typedtree.case -> unit;
class_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.class_declaration -> unit;
class_description : iterator -> Typedtree.class_description -> unit;
class_expr : iterator -> Typedtree.class_expr -> unit;
class_field : iterator -> Typedtree.class_field -> unit;
class_signature : iterator -> Typedtree.class_signature -> unit;
class_structure : iterator -> Typedtree.class_structure -> unit;
class_type : iterator -> Typedtree.class_type -> unit;
class_type_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.class_type_declaration -> unit;
class_type_field : iterator -> Typedtree.class_type_field -> unit;
env : iterator -> Env.t -> unit;
expr : iterator -> Typedtree.expression -> unit;
extension_constructor : iterator -> Typedtree.extension_constructor -> unit;
location : iterator -> Location.t -> unit;
module_binding : iterator -> Typedtree.module_binding -> unit;
module_coercion : iterator -> Typedtree.module_coercion -> unit;
module_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.module_declaration -> unit;
module_substitution : iterator -> Typedtree.module_substitution -> unit;
module_expr : iterator -> Typedtree.module_expr -> unit;
module_type : iterator -> Typedtree.module_type -> unit;
module_type_declaration : iterator ->
Typedtree.module_type_declaration ->
package_type : iterator -> Typedtree.package_type -> unit;
pat : 'k. iterator -> 'k Typedtree.general_pattern -> unit;
row_field : iterator -> Typedtree.row_field -> unit;
object_field : iterator -> Typedtree.object_field -> unit;
open_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.open_declaration -> unit;
open_description : iterator -> Typedtree.open_description -> unit;
signature : iterator -> Typedtree.signature -> unit;
signature_item : iterator -> Typedtree.signature_item -> unit;
structure : iterator -> Typedtree.structure -> unit;
structure_item : iterator -> Typedtree.structure_item -> unit;
typ : iterator -> Typedtree.core_type -> unit;
type_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.type_declaration -> unit;
type_declarations : iterator ->
(Asttypes.rec_flag * Typedtree.type_declaration list) ->
type_extension : iterator -> Typedtree.type_extension -> unit;
type_exception : iterator -> Typedtree.type_exception -> unit;
type_kind : iterator -> Typedtree.type_kind -> unit;
value_binding : iterator -> Typedtree.value_binding -> unit;
value_bindings : iterator ->
(Asttypes.rec_flag * Typedtree.value_binding list) ->
value_description : iterator -> Typedtree.value_description -> unit;
with_constraint : iterator -> Typedtree.with_constraint -> unit;
item_declaration : iterator -> Typedtree.item_declaration -> unit;
val default_iterator : iterator