Abstract syntax tree after typing
By comparison with Parsetree
is accompanied by a resolved Path.t
.module Uid = Shape.Uid
type attribute = Parsetree.attribute
type attributes = attribute list
type _ pattern_category =
| Value : value pattern_category
| Computation : computation pattern_category
type pattern = value general_pattern
and 'k general_pattern = 'k pattern_desc pattern_data
and 'a pattern_data = {
pat_desc : 'a;
pat_loc : Location.t;
pat_extra : (pat_extra * Location.t * attributes) list;
pat_type : Types.type_expr;
pat_env : Env.t;
pat_attributes : attributes;
and pat_extra =
| Tpat_constraint of core_type
P : T pat_desc = P
; pat_extra = (Tpat_constraint T, _, _) :: ...
| Tpat_type of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
#tconst pat_desc = disjunction
; pat_extra = (Tpat_type (P, "tconst"), _, _) :: ...
where disjunction
is a Tpat_or _
representing the branches of tconst
| Tpat_open of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Env.t
| Tpat_unpack
(module P) pat_desc = Tpat_var "P"
; pat_extra = (Tpat_unpack, _, _) :: ...
(module _) pat_desc = Tpat_any
; pat_extra = (Tpat_unpack, _, _) :: ...
and 'k pattern_desc =
| Tpat_any : value pattern_desc
*)| Tpat_var : Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc * Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
*)| Tpat_alias : value general_pattern
* Ident.t
* string Asttypes.loc
* Uid.t -> value pattern_desc
P as a
*)| Tpat_constant : Asttypes.constant -> value pattern_desc
1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n
*)| Tpat_tuple : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
(P1, ..., Pn)
Invariant: n >= 2
*)| Tpat_construct : Longident.t Asttypes.loc
* Types.constructor_description
* value general_pattern list
* (Ident.t Asttypes.loc list * core_type) option -> value pattern_desc
C (, None) C P (P
, None) C (P1, ..., Pn) (P1; ...; Pn
, None) C (P : t) (P
, Some (, t)) C (P1, ..., Pn : t) (P1; ...; Pn
, Some (, t)) C (type a) (P : t) (P
, Some (a
, t)) C (type a) (P1, ..., Pn : t) (P1; ...; Pn
, Some (a
, t))
| Tpat_variant : Asttypes.label
* value general_pattern option
* Types.row_desc ref -> value pattern_desc
| Tpat_record : (Longident.t Asttypes.loc
* Types.label_description
* value general_pattern)
* Asttypes.closed_flag -> value pattern_desc
l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn
(flag = Closed) l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn; _
(flag = Open)
Invariant: n > 0
*)| Tpat_array : value general_pattern list -> value pattern_desc
| P1; ...; Pn |
| Tpat_lazy : value general_pattern -> value pattern_desc
lazy P
*)| Tpat_value : tpat_value_argument -> computation pattern_desc
Invariant: Tpat_value pattern should not carry pat_attributes or pat_extra metadata coming from user syntax, which must be on the inner pattern node -- to facilitate searching for a certain value pattern constructor with a specific attributed.
To enforce this restriction, we made the argument of the Tpat_value constructor a private synonym of pattern
, requiring you to use the as_computation_pattern
function below instead of using the Tpat_value
constructor directly.
| Tpat_exception : value general_pattern -> computation pattern_desc
exception P
*)| Tpat_or : 'k general_pattern
* 'k general_pattern
* Types.row_desc option -> 'k pattern_desc
P1 | P2
= Some _
when translating Ppat_type _
, None
and tpat_value_argument = private value general_pattern
and expression = {
exp_desc : expression_desc;
exp_loc : Location.t;
exp_extra : (exp_extra * Location.t * attributes) list;
exp_type : Types.type_expr;
exp_env : Env.t;
exp_attributes : attributes;
and expression_desc =
| Texp_ident of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.value_description
x M.x
*)| Texp_constant of Asttypes.constant
1, 'a', "true", 1.0, 1l, 1L, 1n
*)| Texp_let of Asttypes.rec_flag * value_binding list * expression
let P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E (flag = Nonrecursive) let rec P1 = E1 and ... and Pn = EN in E (flag = Recursive)
*)| Texp_function of function_param list * function_body
fun P0 P1 -> function p1 -> e1 | p2 -> e2 (body = Tfunction_cases _) fun P0 P1 -> E (body = Tfunction_body _)
This construct has the same arity as the originating Pexp_function
. Arity determines when side-effects for effectful parameters are run (e.g. optional argument defaults, matching against lazy patterns). Parameters' effects are run left-to-right when an n-ary function is saturated with n arguments.
| Texp_apply of expression * (Asttypes.arg_label * expression option) list
E0 ~l1:E1 ... ~ln:En
The expression can be None if the expression is abstracted over this argument. It currently appears when a label is applied.
For example: let f x ~y = x + y in f ~y:3
The resulting typedtree for the application is: Texp_apply (Texp_ident "f/1037", (Nolabel, None); (Labelled "y", Some (Texp_constant Const_int 3))
| Texp_match of expression * computation case list * value case list * partial
match E0 with | P1 -> E1 | P2 | exception P3 -> E2 | exception P4 -> E3 | effect P4 k -> E4
Texp_match (E0, [(P1, E1); (P2 | exception P3, E2); (exception P4, E3)], [(P4, E4)], _)
| Texp_try of expression * value case list * value case list
try E with | P1 -> E1 | effect P2 k -> E2 Texp_try (E, [(P1, E1)], [(P2, E2)])
| Texp_tuple of expression list
(E1, ..., EN)
*)| Texp_construct of Longident.t Asttypes.loc
* Types.constructor_description
* expression list
C (E1, ..., En) E1;...;En
| Texp_variant of Asttypes.label * expression option
| Texp_record of {
fields : (Types.label_description * record_label_definition) array;
representation : Types.record_representation;
extended_expression : expression option;
l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn
(extended_expression = None) E0 with l1=P1; ...; ln=Pn
(extended_expression = Some E0)
Invariant: n > 0
If the type is l1: t1; l2: t2
, the expression E0 with t2=P2
is represented as Texp_record fields = [| l1, Kept t1; l2 Override P2 |]; representation;
extended_expression = Some E0
| Texp_field of expression * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.label_description
| Texp_setfield of expression
* Longident.t Asttypes.loc
* Types.label_description
* expression
| Texp_array of expression list
| Texp_ifthenelse of expression * expression * expression option
| Texp_sequence of expression * expression
| Texp_while of expression * expression
| Texp_for of Ident.t
* Parsetree.pattern
* expression
* expression
* Asttypes.direction_flag
* expression
| Texp_send of expression * meth
| Texp_new of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Types.class_declaration
| Texp_instvar of Path.t * Path.t * string Asttypes.loc
| Texp_setinstvar of Path.t * Path.t * string Asttypes.loc * expression
| Texp_override of Path.t * (Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc * expression) list
| Texp_letmodule of Ident.t option
* string option Asttypes.loc
* Types.module_presence
* module_expr
* expression
| Texp_letexception of extension_constructor * expression
| Texp_assert of expression * Location.t
| Texp_lazy of expression
| Texp_object of class_structure * string list
| Texp_pack of module_expr
| Texp_letop of {
let_ : binding_op;
ands : binding_op list;
param : Ident.t;
body : value case;
partial : partial;
| Texp_unreachable
| Texp_extension_constructor of Longident.t Asttypes.loc * Path.t
| Texp_open of open_declaration * expression
let open!
M in e
and 'k case = {
c_lhs : 'k general_pattern;
c_cont : Ident.t option;
c_guard : expression option;
c_rhs : expression;
and function_param = {
fp_arg_label : Asttypes.arg_label;
fp_param : Ident.t;
is the identifier that is to be used to name the parameter of the function.
fp_partial : partial;
= Partial
if the pattern match is partial Total
fp_kind : function_param_kind;
fp_newtypes : string Asttypes.loc list;
are the new type declarations that come *after* that parameter. The newtypes that come before the first parameter are placed as exp_extras on the Texp_function node. This is just used in Untypeast
fp_loc : Location.t;
is the location of the entire value parameter, not including the fp_newtypes
and function_param_kind =
| Tparam_pat of pattern
Tparam_pat p
is a non-optional argument with pattern p
| Tparam_optional_default of pattern * expression
Tparam_optional_default (p, e)
is an optional argument p
with default value e
, i.e. ?x:(p = e)
. If the parameter is of type a option
, the pattern and expression are of type a
and function_body =
| Tfunction_body of expression
| Tfunction_cases of {
cases : value case list;
partial : partial;
param : Ident.t;
loc : Location.t;
exp_extra : exp_extra option;
attributes : attributes;
is just used in untypeast.
The function body binds a final argument in Tfunction_cases
, and this argument is pattern-matched against the cases.
and record_label_definition =
| Kept of Types.type_expr * Asttypes.mutable_flag
| Overridden of Longident.t Asttypes.loc * expression
and binding_op = {
bop_op_path : Path.t;
bop_op_name : string Asttypes.loc;
bop_op_val : Types.value_description;
bop_op_type : Types.type_expr;
bop_exp : expression;
bop_loc : Location.t;
and class_expr = {
cl_desc : class_expr_desc;
cl_loc : Location.t;
cl_type : Types.class_type;
cl_env : Env.t;
cl_attributes : attributes;
and class_expr_desc =
| Tcl_ident of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type list
| Tcl_structure of class_structure
| Tcl_fun of Asttypes.arg_label
* pattern
* (Ident.t * expression) list
* class_expr
* partial
| Tcl_apply of class_expr * (Asttypes.arg_label * expression option) list
| Tcl_let of Asttypes.rec_flag
* value_binding list
* (Ident.t * expression) list
* class_expr
| Tcl_constraint of class_expr
* class_type option
* string list
* string list
* Types.MethSet.t
| Tcl_open of open_description * class_expr
and class_structure = {
cstr_self : pattern;
cstr_fields : class_field list;
cstr_type : Types.class_signature;
cstr_meths : Ident.t Types.Meths.t;
and class_field_kind =
| Tcfk_virtual of core_type
| Tcfk_concrete of Asttypes.override_flag * expression
and class_field_desc =
| Tcf_inherit of Asttypes.override_flag
* class_expr
* string option
* (string * Ident.t) list
* (string * Ident.t) list
| Tcf_val of string Asttypes.loc
* Asttypes.mutable_flag
* Ident.t
* class_field_kind
* bool
| Tcf_method of string Asttypes.loc * Asttypes.private_flag * class_field_kind
| Tcf_constraint of core_type * core_type
| Tcf_initializer of expression
| Tcf_attribute of attribute
and module_expr = {
mod_desc : module_expr_desc;
mod_loc : Location.t;
mod_type : Types.module_type;
mod_env : Env.t;
mod_attributes : attributes;
and module_type_constraint =
| Tmodtype_implicit
The module type constraint has been synthesized during typechecking.
*)| Tmodtype_explicit of module_type
The module type was in the source file.
*)Annotations for Tmod_constraint
and module_expr_desc =
| Tmod_ident of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
| Tmod_structure of structure
| Tmod_functor of functor_parameter * module_expr
| Tmod_apply of module_expr * module_expr * module_coercion
| Tmod_apply_unit of module_expr
| Tmod_constraint of module_expr
* Types.module_type
* module_type_constraint
* module_coercion
ME (constraint = Tmodtype_implicit) (ME : MT) (constraint = Tmodtype_explicit MT)
*)| Tmod_unpack of expression * Types.module_type
and structure_item_desc =
| Tstr_eval of expression * attributes
| Tstr_value of Asttypes.rec_flag * value_binding list
| Tstr_primitive of value_description
| Tstr_type of Asttypes.rec_flag * type_declaration list
| Tstr_typext of type_extension
| Tstr_exception of type_exception
| Tstr_module of module_binding
| Tstr_recmodule of module_binding list
| Tstr_modtype of module_type_declaration
| Tstr_open of open_declaration
| Tstr_class of (class_declaration * string list) list
| Tstr_class_type of (Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc * class_type_declaration)
| Tstr_include of include_declaration
| Tstr_attribute of attribute
and module_binding = {
mb_id : Ident.t option;
for module _ = struct ... end
mb_name : string option Asttypes.loc;
mb_uid : Uid.t;
mb_presence : Types.module_presence;
mb_expr : module_expr;
mb_attributes : attributes;
mb_loc : Location.t;
and value_binding = {
vb_pat : pattern;
vb_expr : expression;
vb_rec_kind : Value_rec_types.recursive_binding_kind;
vb_attributes : attributes;
vb_loc : Location.t;
and module_coercion =
| Tcoerce_none
| Tcoerce_structure of (int * module_coercion) list
* (Ident.t * int * module_coercion) list
| Tcoerce_functor of module_coercion * module_coercion
| Tcoerce_primitive of primitive_coercion
External declaration coerced to a regular value.
module M : sig val ext : a -> b end =
struct external ext : a -> b = "my_c_function" end
Only occurs inside a Tcoerce_structure
| Tcoerce_alias of Env.t * Path.t * module_coercion
Module alias coerced to a regular module.
module M : sig module Sub : T end =
struct module Sub = Some_alias end
Only occurs inside a Tcoerce_structure
and module_type = {
mty_desc : module_type_desc;
mty_type : Types.module_type;
mty_env : Env.t;
mty_loc : Location.t;
mty_attributes : attributes;
and module_type_desc =
| Tmty_ident of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
| Tmty_signature of signature
| Tmty_functor of functor_parameter * module_type
| Tmty_with of module_type
* (Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * with_constraint) list
| Tmty_typeof of module_expr
| Tmty_alias of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
and primitive_coercion = {
pc_desc : Primitive.description;
pc_type : Types.type_expr;
pc_env : Env.t;
pc_loc : Location.t;
and signature_item_desc =
| Tsig_value of value_description
| Tsig_type of Asttypes.rec_flag * type_declaration list
| Tsig_typesubst of type_declaration list
| Tsig_typext of type_extension
| Tsig_exception of type_exception
| Tsig_module of module_declaration
| Tsig_modsubst of module_substitution
| Tsig_recmodule of module_declaration list
| Tsig_modtype of module_type_declaration
| Tsig_modtypesubst of module_type_declaration
| Tsig_open of open_description
| Tsig_include of include_description
| Tsig_class of class_description list
| Tsig_class_type of class_type_declaration list
| Tsig_attribute of attribute
and module_declaration = {
md_id : Ident.t option;
md_name : string option Asttypes.loc;
md_uid : Uid.t;
md_presence : Types.module_presence;
md_type : module_type;
md_attributes : attributes;
md_loc : Location.t;
and module_substitution = {
ms_id : Ident.t;
ms_name : string Asttypes.loc;
ms_uid : Uid.t;
ms_manifest : Path.t;
ms_txt : Longident.t Asttypes.loc;
ms_attributes : attributes;
ms_loc : Location.t;
and module_type_declaration = {
mtd_id : Ident.t;
mtd_name : string Asttypes.loc;
mtd_uid : Uid.t;
mtd_type : module_type option;
mtd_attributes : attributes;
mtd_loc : Location.t;
and 'a open_infos = {
open_expr : 'a;
open_bound_items : Types.signature;
open_override : Asttypes.override_flag;
open_env : Env.t;
open_loc : Location.t;
open_attributes : attribute list;
and open_description = (Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc) open_infos
and open_declaration = module_expr open_infos
and 'a include_infos = {
incl_mod : 'a;
incl_type : Types.signature;
incl_loc : Location.t;
incl_attributes : attribute list;
and include_description = module_type include_infos
and include_declaration = module_expr include_infos
and with_constraint =
| Twith_type of type_declaration
| Twith_module of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
| Twith_modtype of module_type
| Twith_typesubst of type_declaration
| Twith_modsubst of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
| Twith_modtypesubst of module_type
and core_type = {
mutable ctyp_desc : core_type_desc;
mutable because of Typeclass.declare_method
mutable ctyp_type : Types.type_expr;
mutable because of Typeclass.declare_method
ctyp_env : Env.t;
ctyp_loc : Location.t;
ctyp_attributes : attributes;
and core_type_desc =
| Ttyp_any
| Ttyp_var of string
| Ttyp_arrow of Asttypes.arg_label * core_type * core_type
| Ttyp_tuple of core_type list
| Ttyp_constr of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type list
| Ttyp_object of object_field list * Asttypes.closed_flag
| Ttyp_class of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type list
| Ttyp_alias of core_type * string Asttypes.loc
| Ttyp_variant of row_field list
* Asttypes.closed_flag
* Asttypes.label list option
| Ttyp_poly of string list * core_type
| Ttyp_package of package_type
| Ttyp_open of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type
and package_type = {
pack_path : Path.t;
pack_fields : (Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type) list;
pack_type : Types.module_type;
pack_txt : Longident.t Asttypes.loc;
and value_description = {
val_id : Ident.t;
val_name : string Asttypes.loc;
val_desc : core_type;
val_val : Types.value_description;
val_prim : string list;
val_loc : Location.t;
val_attributes : attributes;
and type_declaration = {
typ_id : Ident.t;
typ_name : string Asttypes.loc;
typ_params : (core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list;
typ_type : Types.type_declaration;
typ_cstrs : (core_type * core_type * Location.t) list;
typ_kind : type_kind;
typ_private : Asttypes.private_flag;
typ_manifest : core_type option;
typ_loc : Location.t;
typ_attributes : attributes;
and type_kind =
| Ttype_abstract
| Ttype_variant of constructor_declaration list
| Ttype_record of label_declaration list
| Ttype_open
and label_declaration = {
ld_id : Ident.t;
ld_name : string Asttypes.loc;
ld_uid : Uid.t;
ld_mutable : Asttypes.mutable_flag;
ld_type : core_type;
ld_loc : Location.t;
ld_attributes : attributes;
and constructor_declaration = {
cd_id : Ident.t;
cd_name : string Asttypes.loc;
cd_uid : Uid.t;
cd_vars : string Asttypes.loc list;
cd_args : constructor_arguments;
cd_res : core_type option;
cd_loc : Location.t;
cd_attributes : attributes;
and type_extension = {
tyext_path : Path.t;
tyext_txt : Longident.t Asttypes.loc;
tyext_params : (core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list;
tyext_constructors : extension_constructor list;
tyext_private : Asttypes.private_flag;
tyext_loc : Location.t;
tyext_attributes : attributes;
and type_exception = {
tyexn_constructor : extension_constructor;
tyexn_loc : Location.t;
tyexn_attributes : attribute list;
and extension_constructor = {
ext_id : Ident.t;
ext_name : string Asttypes.loc;
ext_type : Types.extension_constructor;
ext_kind : extension_constructor_kind;
ext_loc : Location.t;
ext_attributes : attributes;
and extension_constructor_kind =
| Text_decl of string Asttypes.loc list
* constructor_arguments
* core_type option
| Text_rebind of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc
and class_type = {
cltyp_desc : class_type_desc;
cltyp_type : Types.class_type;
cltyp_env : Env.t;
cltyp_loc : Location.t;
cltyp_attributes : attributes;
and class_type_desc =
| Tcty_constr of Path.t * Longident.t Asttypes.loc * core_type list
| Tcty_signature of class_signature
| Tcty_arrow of Asttypes.arg_label * core_type * class_type
| Tcty_open of open_description * class_type
and class_signature = {
csig_self : core_type;
csig_fields : class_type_field list;
csig_type : Types.class_signature;
and class_type_field = {
ctf_desc : class_type_field_desc;
ctf_loc : Location.t;
ctf_attributes : attributes;
and class_type_field_desc =
| Tctf_inherit of class_type
| Tctf_val of string * Asttypes.mutable_flag * Asttypes.virtual_flag * core_type
| Tctf_method of string
* Asttypes.private_flag
* Asttypes.virtual_flag
* core_type
| Tctf_constraint of core_type * core_type
| Tctf_attribute of attribute
and class_declaration = class_expr class_infos
and class_description = class_type class_infos
and class_type_declaration = class_type class_infos
and 'a class_infos = {
ci_virt : Asttypes.virtual_flag;
ci_params : (core_type * (Asttypes.variance * Asttypes.injectivity)) list;
ci_id_name : string Asttypes.loc;
ci_id_class : Ident.t;
ci_id_class_type : Ident.t;
ci_id_object : Ident.t;
ci_expr : 'a;
ci_decl : Types.class_declaration;
ci_type_decl : Types.class_type_declaration;
ci_loc : Location.t;
ci_attributes : attributes;
type implementation = {
structure : structure;
coercion : module_coercion;
signature : Types.signature;
shape : Shape.t;
A typechecked implementation including its module structure, its exported signature, and a coercion of the module against that signature.
If an .mli file is present, the signature will come from that file and be the exported signature of the module.
If there isn't one, the signature will be inferred from the module structure.
type item_declaration =
| Value of value_description
| Value_binding of value_binding
| Type of type_declaration
| Constructor of constructor_declaration
| Extension_constructor of extension_constructor
| Label of label_declaration
| Module of module_declaration
| Module_substitution of module_substitution
| Module_binding of module_binding
| Module_type of module_type_declaration
| Class of class_declaration
| Class_type of class_type_declaration
groups together items that correspond to the syntactic category of "declarations" which include types, values, modules, etc. declarations in signatures and their definitions in implementations.
val as_computation_pattern : pattern -> computation general_pattern
as_computation_pattern p
is a computation pattern with description Tpat_value p
, which enforces a correct placement of pat_attributes and pat_extra metadata (on the inner value pattern, rather than on the computation pattern).
val classify_pattern_desc : 'k pattern_desc -> 'k pattern_category
val classify_pattern : 'k general_pattern -> 'k pattern_category
val shallow_iter_pattern_desc : pattern_action -> 'k pattern_desc -> unit
val shallow_map_pattern_desc :
pattern_transformation ->
'k pattern_desc ->
'k pattern_desc
val iter_general_pattern : pattern_action -> 'k general_pattern -> unit
val exists_general_pattern : pattern_predicate -> 'k general_pattern -> bool
val let_bound_idents : value_binding list -> Ident.t list
val let_bound_idents_full :
value_binding list ->
(Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc * Types.type_expr * Types.Uid.t) list
val alpha_pat :
(Ident.t * Ident.t) list ->
'k general_pattern ->
'k general_pattern
Alpha conversion of patterns
val mknoloc : 'a -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val mkloc : 'a -> Location.t -> 'a Asttypes.loc
val pat_bound_idents : 'k general_pattern -> Ident.t list
val pat_bound_idents_full :
'k general_pattern ->
(Ident.t * string Asttypes.loc * Types.type_expr * Types.Uid.t) list
val split_pattern :
computation general_pattern ->
pattern option * pattern option
Splits an or pattern into its value (left) and exception (right) parts.