Functions for representing type expressions and module types as outcometree (with as 'a
aliases for cycles) and printing them. All functions below depends on global contexts that keep track of
Whenever possible, it is advised to use the simpler functions available in Printtyp
which take care of setting up this naming context. The functions below are needed when one needs to share a common naming context (or part of it) between different calls to printing functions (or in order to implement Printtyp
val wrap_printing_env : error:bool -> Env.t -> (unit -> 'a) -> 'a
Call the function using the environment for type path shortening This affects all the printing and tree cration functions functions below Also, if ~error:true
, then disable the loading of cmis
val ident_name :
Shape.Sig_component_kind.t option ->
Ident.t ->
val tree_of_path : ?disambiguation:bool -> Path.t -> Outcometree.out_ident
val namespaced_tree_of_path :
Shape.Sig_component_kind.t ->
Path.t ->
val tree_of_type_path : Path.t -> Outcometree.out_ident
Specialized functions for printing types with short-paths
val same_path : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr -> bool
same_path ty ty2
is true when there is an equation ty
in the short-path scope
Simple heuristic to rewrite Foo__bar.* as Foo.Bar.* when Foo.Bar is an alias for Foo__bar. This pattern is used by the stdlib.
Printing type expressions requires to translate the internal graph based representation into to an Outcometree
closer to the source syntax. In order to do so, the printing is generally split in three phase:
functions)val prepare_for_printing : Types.type_expr list -> unit
resets the global naming environment, a la reset_except_conflicts
, and prepares the types for printing by reserving variable names and marking cycles. Any type variables that are shared between multiple types in the input list will be given the same name when printed with prepared_type_expr
val add_type_to_preparation : Types.type_expr -> unit
add_type_to_preparation ty
extend a previous type expression preparation to the type expression ty
In Type_scheme
mode, non-generic types variables are printed as weakly polymorphic type variables.
val tree_of_typexp : type_or_scheme -> Types.type_expr -> Outcometree.out_type
generate the outcometree
for a prepared type expression.
val prepared_type_scheme : Types.type_expr Format_doc.printer
val prepared_type_expr : Types.type_expr Format_doc.printer
The printers prepared_type_expr
and prepared_type_scheme
should only be used on prepared types. Types can be prepared by initially calling prepare_for_printing
or adding them later to the preparation with add_type_to_preparation
Calling this function on non-prepared types may cause a stack overflow (see #8860) due to cycles in the printed types.
See Printtyp.type_expr
for a safer but less flexible printer.
val type_expr_with_reserved_names : Types.type_expr Format_doc.printer
can print "half-prepared" type expression. A "half-prepared" type expression should have had its names reserved (with Variable_names.reserve
), but should not have had its cycles marked.
val trees_of_type_expansion :
type_or_scheme ->
Errortrace.expanded_type ->
Outcometree.out_type diff
val prepare_expansion : Errortrace.expanded_type -> Errortrace.expanded_type
val pp_type_expansion : Outcometree.out_type diff Format_doc.printer
val hide_variant_name : Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val prepare_type_constructor_arguments : Types.constructor_arguments -> unit
Label and constructors
val tree_of_constructor_arguments :
Types.constructor_arguments ->
Outcometree.out_type list
val tree_of_label : Types.label_declaration -> Outcometree.out_label
val add_constructor_to_preparation : Types.constructor_declaration -> unit
val prepared_constructor : Types.constructor_declaration Format_doc.printer
val tree_of_extension_constructor :
Ident.t ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
Types.ext_status ->
val extension_constructor_args_and_ret_type_subtree :
Types.constructor_arguments ->
Types.type_expr option ->
Outcometree.out_type list * Outcometree.out_type option
val add_extension_constructor_to_preparation :
Types.extension_constructor ->
val prepared_extension_constructor :
Ident.t ->
Types.extension_constructor Format_doc.printer
val tree_of_type_declaration :
Ident.t ->
Types.type_declaration ->
Types.rec_status ->
val add_type_declaration_to_preparation :
Ident.t ->
Types.type_declaration ->
val prepared_type_declaration :
Ident.t ->
Types.type_declaration Format_doc.printer
val tree_of_value_description :
Ident.t ->
Types.value_description ->
val tree_of_modtype_declaration :
Ident.t ->
Types.modtype_declaration ->
val tree_of_class_declaration :
Ident.t ->
Types.class_declaration ->
Types.rec_status ->
val tree_of_cltype_declaration :
Ident.t ->
Types.class_type_declaration ->
Types.rec_status ->
val tree_of_module :
Ident.t ->
?ellipsis:bool ->
Types.module_type ->
Types.rec_status ->
val tree_of_modtype : Types.module_type -> Outcometree.out_module_type
val tree_of_signature : Types.signature -> Outcometree.out_sig_item list
val tree_of_class_type :
type_or_scheme ->
Types.class_type ->
val prepare_class_type : Types.class_type -> unit
val print_items :
(Env.t -> Types.signature_item -> 'a option) ->
Env.t ->
Types.signature_item list ->
(Outcometree.out_sig_item * 'a option) list
Toplevel printing
module Out_name : sig ... end
Path name, which were mutable at some point
module Ident_names : sig ... end
Disambiguation for identifiers, e.g. the two type constructors named t
in the type of f
module Ident_conflicts : sig ... end
The Ident_conflicts
module keeps track of conflicts arising when attributing names to identifiers and provides functions that can print explanations for these conflict in error messages
module Variable_names : sig ... end
Naming choice for type variable names ('a
, 'b
, ...), for instance the two classes of distinct type variables in
module Internal_names : sig ... end
Register internal typechecker names ($0
) appearing in the outcometree