val print_pos : position Format_doc.printer
val trivial_expansion : Types.type_expr -> expanded_type
trivial_expansion ty
creates an expanded_type
whose expansion is also ty
. Usually, you want Ctype.expand_type
instead, since the expansion carries useful information; however, in certain circumstances, the error is about the expansion of the type, meaning that actually performing the expansion produces more confusing or inaccurate output.
map_diff f {expected;got}
is {expected=f expected; got=f got}
type 'a escape_kind =
| Constructor of Path.t
| Univ of Types.type_expr
| Self
| Module_type of Path.t
| Equation of 'a
| Constraint
Scope escape related errors
type 'variety variant =
| Incompatible_types_for : string -> _ variant
| No_intersection : unification variant
| Fixed_row : position
* fixed_row_case
* Types.fixed_explanation -> unification variant
| Presence_not_guaranteed_for : position * string -> comparison variant
| Openness : position -> comparison variant
type first_class_module =
| Package_cannot_scrape of Path.t
| Package_inclusion of Format_doc.doc
| Package_coercion of Format_doc.doc
type ('a, 'variety) elt =
| Diff : 'a diff -> ('a, _) elt
| Variant : 'variety variant -> ('a, 'variety) elt
| Obj : 'variety obj -> ('a, 'variety) elt
| Escape : 'a escape -> ('a, _) elt
| Function_label_mismatch of Asttypes.arg_label diff
| Incompatible_fields : {
name : string;
diff : Types.type_expr diff;
} -> ('a, _) elt
| First_class_module : first_class_module -> ('a, _) elt
| Rec_occur : Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr -> ('a, _) elt
type ('a, 'variety) t = ('a, 'variety) elt list
type 'variety trace = (Types.type_expr, 'variety) t
type 'variety error = (expanded_type, 'variety) t
val incompatible_fields :
name:string ->
got:Types.type_expr ->
expected:Types.type_expr ->
(Types.type_expr, _) elt
The traces ('variety t
) are the core error types. However, we bundle them up into three "top-level" error types, which are used elsewhere: unification_error
, equality_error
, and moregen_error
. In the case of equality_error
, this has to bundle in extra information; in general, it distinguishes the three types of errors and allows us to distinguish traces that are being built (or processed) from those that are complete and have become the final error. These error types have the invariants that their traces are nonempty; we ensure that through three smart constructors with matching names.
type equality_error = private {
trace : comparison error;
subst : (Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr) list;
val unification_error : trace:unification error -> unification_error
val equality_error :
trace:comparison error ->
subst:(Types.type_expr * Types.type_expr) list ->
val moregen_error : trace:comparison error -> moregen_error
Wraps up the two different kinds of comparison
errors in one type
val swap_unification_error : unification_error -> unification_error
Lift swap_trace
to unification_error
module Subtype : sig ... end