Module QCheck.Test

module Test: sig .. end

type 'a cell 
A single property test
val make_cell : ?count:int ->
?max_gen:int ->
?max_fail:int ->
?small:('a -> int) ->
?name:string -> 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> ('a -> bool) -> 'a cell
make arb prop builds a test that checks property prop on instances of the generator arb.
count : number of test cases to run, counting only the test cases which satisfy preconditions.
max_gen : maximum number of times the generation function is called in total to replace inputs that do not satisfy preconditions (should be >= count)
max_fail : maximum number of failures before we stop generating inputs. This is useful if shrinking takes too much time.
small : kept for compatibility reasons; if provided, replaces the field arbitrary.small. If there is no shrinking function but there is a small function, only the smallest failures will be printed.
name : the name of the test
val get_arbitrary : 'a cell -> 'a QCheck.arbitrary
val get_law : 'a cell -> 'a -> bool
val get_name : 'a cell -> string option
val set_name : 'a cell -> string -> unit
type t = 
| Test : 'a cell -> t (*
Same as 'a cell, but masking the type parameter. This allows to put tests on different types in the same list of tests.
val make : ?count:int ->
?max_gen:int ->
?max_fail:int ->
?small:('a -> int) ->
?name:string -> 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> ('a -> bool) -> t
make arb prop builds a test that checks property prop on instances of the generator arb. See QCheck.Test.make_cell for a description of the parameters.

Running the test

exception Test_fail of string * string list
Exception raised when a test failed, with the list of counter-examples. Test_fail (name, l) means test name failed on elements of l
exception Test_error of string * string * exn * string
Exception raised when a test raised an exception e, with the sample that triggered the exception. Test_error (name, i, e, st) means name failed on i with exception e, and st is the stacktrace (if enabled) or an empty string
val print_instance : 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> 'a -> string
val print_c_ex : 'a QCheck.arbitrary -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.counter_ex -> string
val print_fail : 'a QCheck.arbitrary ->
string -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.counter_ex list -> string
val print_error : ?st:string ->
'a QCheck.arbitrary ->
string -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.counter_ex * exn -> string
val print_test_fail : string -> string list -> string
val print_test_error : string -> string -> exn -> string -> string
val check_result : 'a cell -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.t -> unit
check_result cell res checks that res is Ok _, and returns unit. Otherwise, it raises some exception
type 'a callback = string -> 'a cell -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.t -> unit 
Callback executed after each test has been run. f name cell res means test cell, named name, gave res
val check_cell : ?call:'a callback ->
?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> 'a QCheck.TestResult.t
check ~rand test generates up to count random values of type 'a using arbitrary and the random state st. The predicate law is called on them and if it returns false or raises an exception then we have a counter example for the law.
Returns the result of the test
call : function called on each test case, with the result
val check_cell_exn : ?call:'a callback ->
?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a cell -> unit
Same as QCheck.Test.check_cell but calls QCheck.Test.check_result on the result.
val check_exn : ?rand:Random.State.t -> t -> unit
Same as QCheck.Test.check_cell but calls QCheck.Test.check_result on the result.