Module QCheck_runner

module QCheck_runner: sig .. end

Runners for Tests


val random_state : unit -> Random.State.t
Access the current random state
val verbose : unit -> bool
Is the default mode verbose or quiet?
val long_tests : unit -> bool
Is the default mode to run long tests or nor?
val set_seed : int -> unit
Change the QCheck_runner.random_state by creating a new one, initialized with the given seed.
val set_verbose : bool -> unit
Change the value of verbose ()
val set_long_tests : bool -> unit
Change the value of long_tests ()

Conversion of tests to OUnit Tests

val to_ounit_test : ?verbose:bool ->
?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t -> OUnit.test
to_ounit_test ~rand t wraps t into a OUnit test
verbose : used to print information on stdout (default: verbose())
rand : the random generator to use (default: random_state ())
val to_ounit_test_cell : ?verbose:bool ->
?long:bool -> ?rand:Random.State.t -> 'a QCheck.Test.cell -> OUnit.test
Same as QCheck_runner.to_ounit_test but with a polymorphic test cell
val (>:::) : string -> QCheck.Test.t list -> OUnit.test
Same as OUnit.>::: but with a list of QCheck tests
val to_ounit2_test : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t -> OUnit2.test
to_ounit2_test ?rand t wraps t into a OUnit2 test
rand : the random generator to use (default: a static seed for reproducibility), can be overridden with "-seed" on the command-line
val to_ounit2_test_list : ?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t list -> OUnit2.test list
to_ounit2_test_list ?rand t like to_ounit2_test but for a list of tests

OUnit runners

val run : ?argv:string array -> OUnit.test -> int
run test runs the test, and returns an error code that is 0 if all tests passed, 1 otherwise. This is the default runner used by the comment-to-test generator.
argv : the command line arguments to parse parameters from (default Sys.argv)
val run_tap : OUnit.test -> OUnit.test_results
TAP-compatible test runner, in case we want to use a test harness. It prints one line per test.

Run a Suite of Tests and Get Results

val run_tests : ?verbose:bool ->
?long:bool ->
?out:Pervasives.out_channel ->
?rand:Random.State.t -> QCheck.Test.t list -> int
Run a suite of tests, and print its results. This is an heritage from the "qcheck" library.
Returns an error code, 0 if all tests passed, 1 otherwise.
verbose : if true, prints more information about test cases
val run_tests_main : ?argv:string array -> QCheck.Test.t list -> 'a
Can be used as the main function of a test file. Exits with a non-0 code if the tests fail. It refers to QCheck_runner.run_tests for actually running tests after CLI options have been parsed.

The available options are: