Module Containers.Hashtbl

include module type of Hashtbl with type Hashtbl.statistics = Hashtbl.statistics and module Hashtbl.Make = Hashtbl.Make and type ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t = ('a'b) Hashtbl.t
type ('a, 'b) t = ('a'b) Hashtbl.t
val create : ?⁠random:bool ‑> int ‑> ('a'bt
val clear : ('a'bt ‑> unit
val reset : ('a'bt ‑> unit
val copy : ('a'bt ‑> ('a'bt
val add : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> 'b ‑> unit
val find : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> 'b
val find_opt : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> 'b option
val find_all : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> 'b list
val mem : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> bool
val remove : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> unit
val replace : ('a'bt ‑> 'a ‑> 'b ‑> unit
val iter : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> unit) ‑> ('a'bt ‑> unit
val filter_map_inplace : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> 'b option) ‑> ('a'bt ‑> unit
val fold : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> 'c ‑> 'c) ‑> ('a'bt ‑> 'c ‑> 'c
val length : ('a'bt ‑> int
val randomize : unit ‑> unit
val is_randomized : unit ‑> bool
type statistics = Hashtbl.statistics = {
num_bindings : int;
num_buckets : int;
max_bucket_length : int;
bucket_histogram : int array;
val stats : ('a'bt ‑> statistics
module type HashedType : sig ... end
module type S : sig ... end
module Make : functor (H : Hashtbl.HashedType) -> sig ... end
module type SeededHashedType : sig ... end
module type SeededS : sig ... end
module MakeSeeded : functor (H : SeededHashedType) -> sig ... end
val hash : 'a ‑> int
val seeded_hash : int ‑> 'a ‑> int
val hash_param : int ‑> int ‑> 'a ‑> int
val seeded_hash_param : int ‑> int ‑> int ‑> 'a ‑> int
include CCHashtbl.Poly
val get : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a ‑> 'b option

Safe version of Hashtbl.find.

val get_or : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a ‑> default:'b ‑> 'b

get_or tbl k ~default returns the value associated to k if present, and returns default otherwise (if k doesn't belong in tbl).

  • Since: 0.16
val keys : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a CCHashtbl.sequence

Iterate on keys (similar order as Hashtbl.iter).

val values : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'b CCHashtbl.sequence

Iterate on values in the table.

val keys_list : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a list

keys_list t is the list of keys in t. If the key is in the Hashtable multiple times, all occurrences will be returned.

  • Since: 0.8
val values_list : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'b list

values_list t is the list of values in t.

  • Since: 0.8
val map_list : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> 'c) ‑> ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'c list

Map on a hashtable's items, collect into a list.

val incr : ?⁠by:int ‑> ('a, int) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a ‑> unit

incr ?by tbl x increments or initializes the counter associated with x. If get tbl x = None, then after update, get tbl x = Some 1; otherwise, if get tbl x = Some n, now get tbl x = Some (n+1).

  • Parameter by: if specified, the int value is incremented by by rather than 1.
  • Since: 0.16
val decr : ?⁠by:int ‑> ('a, int) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a ‑> unit

Like incr but subtract 1 (or the value of by). If the value reaches 0, the key is removed from the table. This does nothing if the key is not already present in the table.

  • Since: 0.16
val to_seq : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> ('a * 'b) CCHashtbl.sequence

Iterate on bindings in the table.

val add_list : ('a'b list) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a ‑> 'b ‑> unit

add_list tbl x y adds y to the list x is bound to. If x is not bound, it becomes bound to y.

  • Since: 0.16
val add_seq : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> ('a * 'b) CCHashtbl.sequence ‑> unit

Add the corresponding pairs to the table, using Hashtbl.add.

  • Since: 0.16
val of_seq : ('a * 'b) CCHashtbl.sequence ‑> ('a'b) Hashtbl.t

From the given bindings, added in order.

val add_seq_count : ('a, int) Hashtbl.t ‑> 'a CCHashtbl.sequence ‑> unit

add_seq_count tbl seq increments the count of each element of seq by calling incr. This is useful for counting how many times each element of seq occurs.

  • Since: 0.16
val of_seq_count : 'a CCHashtbl.sequence ‑> ('a, int) Hashtbl.t

Like add_seq_count, but allocates a new table and returns it.

  • Since: 0.16
val to_list : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> ('a * 'b) list

List of bindings (order unspecified).

val of_list : ('a * 'b) list ‑> ('a'b) Hashtbl.t

Build a table from the given list of bindings k_i -> v_i, added in order using add. If a key occurs several times, it will be added several times, and the visible binding will be the last one.

val update : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> f:('a ‑> 'b option ‑> 'b option) ‑> k:'a ‑> unit

update tbl ~f ~k updates key k by calling f k (Some v) if k was mapped to v, or f k None otherwise; if the call returns None then k is removed/stays removed, if the call returns Some v' then the binding k -> v' is inserted using Hashtbl.replace.

  • Since: 0.14
val get_or_add : ('a'b) Hashtbl.t ‑> f:('a ‑> 'b) ‑> k:'a ‑> 'b

get_or_add tbl ~k ~f finds and returns the binding of k in tbl, if it exists. If it does not exist, then f k is called to obtain a new binding v; k -> v is added to tbl and v is returned.

  • Since: 1.0
val pp : 'a CCHashtbl.printer ‑> 'b CCHashtbl.printer ‑> ('a'b) Hashtbl.t CCHashtbl.printer
module type S' = CCHashtbl.S
module Make' = CCHashtbl.Make