Module CCArray_slice

Array Slice

type 'a sequence = ('a ‑> unit) ‑> unit
type 'a klist = unit ‑> [ `Nil | `Cons of 'a * 'a klist ]
type 'a gen = unit ‑> 'a option
type 'a equal = 'a ‑> 'a ‑> bool
type 'a ord = 'a ‑> 'a ‑> int
type 'a random_gen = Random.State.t ‑> 'a
type 'a printer = Format.formatter ‑> 'a ‑> unit
type 'a t

Array slice, containing elements of type 'a.

val empty : 'a t

The empty array slice.

val equal : 'a equal ‑> 'a t equal
val compare : 'a ord ‑> 'a t ord
val get : 'a t ‑> int ‑> 'a

get a n returns the element number n of array a. The first element has number 0. The last element has number length a - 1. You can also write a.(n) instead of get a n.

Raise Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if n is outside the range 0 to (length a - 1).

val get_safe : 'a t ‑> int ‑> 'a option

get_safe a i returns Some a.(i) if i is a valid index.

val make : 'a array ‑> int ‑> len:int ‑> 'a t

Create a slice from given offset and length.

val of_slice : ('a array * int * int) ‑> 'a t

Make a sub-array from a triple (arr, i, len) where arr is the array, i the offset in arr, and len the number of elements of the slice.

val to_slice : 'a t ‑> 'a array * int * int

Convert into a triple (arr, i, len) where len is the length of the sub-array of arr starting at offset i.

val to_list : 'a t ‑> 'a list

Convert directly to a list.

val full : 'a array ‑> 'a t

Slice that covers the full array.

val underlying : 'a t ‑> 'a array

Underlying array (shared). Modifying this array will modify the slice.

val copy : 'a t ‑> 'a array

Copy into a new array.

val sub : 'a t ‑> int ‑> int ‑> 'a t


val set : 'a t ‑> int ‑> 'a ‑> unit

set a n x modifies array a in place, replacing element number n with x. You can also write a.(n) <- x instead of set a n x.

Raise Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if n is outside the range 0 to length a - 1.

val length : _ t ‑> int

Return the length (number of elements) of the given array.

val fold : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b t ‑> 'a

fold f x a computes f (... (f (f x a.(0)) a.(1)) ...) a.(n-1), where n is the length of the array a.

val foldi : ('a ‑> int ‑> 'b ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b t ‑> 'a

Fold left on array, with index.

val fold_while : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> 'a * [ `Stop | `Continue ]) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b t ‑> 'a

Fold left on array until a stop condition via ('a, `Stop) is indicated by the accumulator.

val iter : ('a ‑> unit) ‑> 'a t ‑> unit

iter f a applies function f in turn to all the elements of a. It is equivalent to f a.(0); f a.(1); ...; f a.(length a - 1); ().

val iteri : (int ‑> 'a ‑> unit) ‑> 'a t ‑> unit

Like Array.iter, but the function is applied with the index of the element as first argument, and the element itself as second argument.

val blit : 'a t ‑> int ‑> 'a t ‑> int ‑> int ‑> unit

blit v1 o1 v2 o2 len copies len elements from array v1, starting at element number o1, to array v2, starting at element number o2. It works correctly even if v1 and v2 are the same array, and the source and destination chunks overlap.

Raise Invalid_argument "Array.blit" if o1 and len do not designate a valid subarray of v1, or if o2 and len do not designate a valid subarray of v2.

val reverse_in_place : 'a t ‑> unit

Reverse the array in place.

val sorted : ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'a array

sorted cmp a makes a copy of a and sorts it with cmp.

val sort_indices : ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a t ‑> int array

sort_indices cmp a returns a new array b, with the same length as a, such that b.(i) is the index at which the i-th element of sorted cmp a appears in a. a is not modified.

In other words, map (fun i -> a.(i)) (sort_indices cmp a) = sorted cmp a. sort_indices yields the inverse permutation of sort_ranking.

val sort_ranking : ('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a t ‑> int array

sort_ranking cmp a returns a new array b, with the same length as a, such that b.(i) is the index at which the i-the element of a appears in sorted cmp a. a is not modified.

In other words, map (fun i -> (sorted cmp a).(i)) (sort_ranking cmp a) = a. sort_ranking yields the inverse permutation of sort_indices.

In the absence of duplicate elements in a, we also have lookup_exn a.(i) (sorted a) = (sorted_ranking a).(i).

val find : ('a ‑> 'b option) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b option

find f a returns Some y if there is an element x such that f x = Some y, else it returns None.

val findi : (int ‑> 'a ‑> 'b option) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b option

Like find, but also pass the index to the predicate function.

val find_idx : ('a ‑> bool) ‑> 'a t ‑> (int * 'a) option

find_idx p x returns Some (i,x) where x is the i-th element of l, and p x holds. Otherwise returns None.

val lookup : cmp:'a ord ‑> 'a ‑> 'a t ‑> int option

Lookup the index of some value in a sorted array.

val lookup_exn : cmp:'a ord ‑> 'a ‑> 'a t ‑> int

Like lookup, but

val bsearch : cmp:('a ‑> 'a ‑> int) ‑> 'a ‑> 'a t ‑> [ `All_lower | `All_bigger | `Just_after of int | `Empty | `At of int ]

bsearch ?cmp x arr finds the index of the object x in the array arr, provided arr is sorted using cmp. If the array is not sorted, the result is not specified (may raise Invalid_argument).

Complexity: O(log n) where n is the length of the array (dichotomic search).

val for_all : ('a ‑> bool) ‑> 'a t ‑> bool

for_all p [|a1; ...; an|] checks if all elements of the array satisfy the predicate p. That is, it returns (p a1) && (p a2) && ... && (p an).

val for_all2 : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> bool) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b t ‑> bool

Forall on pairs of arrays.

val exists : ('a ‑> bool) ‑> 'a t ‑> bool

exists p [|a1; ...; an|] checks if at least one element of the array satisfies the predicate p. That is, it returns (p a1) || (p a2) || ... || (p an).

val exists2 : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> bool) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b t ‑> bool

Exists on pairs of arrays.

val fold2 : ('acc ‑> 'a ‑> 'b ‑> 'acc) ‑> 'acc ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b t ‑> 'acc

Fold on two arrays stepwise.

val iter2 : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> unit) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b t ‑> unit

Iterate on two arrays stepwise.

val shuffle : 'a t ‑> unit

Shuffle randomly the array, in place.

val shuffle_with : Random.State.t ‑> 'a t ‑> unit

Like shuffle but using a specialized random state.

val random_choose : 'a t ‑> 'a random_gen

Choose an element randomly.

val to_seq : 'a t ‑> 'a sequence

Return a sequence of the elements of a slice.

val to_gen : 'a t ‑> 'a gen

Return a gen of the elements of a slice.

val to_klist : 'a t ‑> 'a klist

Return a klist of the elements of a slice.


val pp : ?⁠sep:string ‑> 'a printer ‑> 'a t printer

Print an array of items with printing function.

val pp_i : ?⁠sep:string ‑> (int ‑> 'a printer) ‑> 'a t printer

Print an array, giving the printing function both index and item.