Module CCThread


status: unstable

type t = Thread.t
val spawn : (unit ‑> _) ‑> t

spawn f creates a new thread that runs f ().

val spawn1 : ('a ‑> _) ‑> 'a ‑> t

spawn1 f x is like spawn (fun () -> f x).

val spawn2 : ('a ‑> 'b ‑> _) ‑> 'a ‑> 'b ‑> t

spawn2 f x y is like spawn (fun () -> f x y).

val detach : (unit ‑> 'a) ‑> unit

detach f is the same as ignore (spawn f).

module Arr : sig ... end

Array of threads

Single-Use Barrier

module Barrier : sig ... end