Module CCBV

module CCBV: sig .. end

Imperative Bitvectors

BREAKING CHANGES since 1.2: size is now stored along with the bitvector. Some functions have a new signature.

The size of the bitvector used to be rounded up to the multiple of 30 or 62. In other words some functions such as CCBV.iter would iterate on more bits than what was originally asked for. This is not the case anymore.

type t 
A resizable bitvector
val empty : unit -> t
Empty bitvector
val create : size:int -> bool -> t
Create a bitvector of given size, with given default value
val copy : t -> t
Copy of bitvector
val cardinal : t -> int
Number of bits set to one, seen as a set of bits.
val length : t -> int
Size of underlying bitvector. This is not related to the underlying implementation. Changed at 1.2
val capacity : t -> int
The number of bits this bitvector can store without resizing.
Since 1.2
val resize : t -> int -> unit
Resize the BV so that it has the specified length. This can grow or shrink the underlying bitvector.
Raises Invalid_arg on negative sizes.
val is_empty : t -> bool
Are there any true bits?
val set : t -> int -> unit
Set i-th bit, extending the bitvector if needed.
val get : t -> int -> bool
Is the i-th bit true? Returns false if the index is too high
val reset : t -> int -> unit
Set i-th bit to 0, extending the bitvector if needed.
val flip : t -> int -> unit
Flip i-th bit, extending the bitvector if needed.
val clear : t -> unit
Set every bit to 0
val iter : t -> (int -> bool -> unit) -> unit
Iterate on all bits
val iter_true : t -> (int -> unit) -> unit
Iterate on bits set to 1
val to_list : t -> int list
List of indexes that are true
val to_sorted_list : t -> int list
Same as CCBV.to_list, but also guarantees the list is sorted in increasing order
val of_list : int list -> t
From a list of true bits.

The bits are interpreted as indices into the returned bitvector, so the final bitvector will have length t equal to 1 more than max of list indices.

val first : t -> int option
First set bit, or return None. changed type at 1.2
val first_exn : t -> int
First set bit, or
Since 1.2
Raises Not_found if all bits are 0
val filter : t -> (int -> bool) -> unit
filter bv p only keeps the true bits of bv whose index satisfies p index
val negate_self : t -> unit
negate_self t flips all of the bits in t.
Since 1.2
val negate : t -> t
negate t returns a copy of t with all of the bits flipped.
val union_into : into:t -> t -> unit
union ~into bv sets into to the union of itself and bv.

Also updates the length of into to be at least length bv.

val inter_into : into:t -> t -> unit
inter ~into bv sets into to the intersection of itself and bv

Also updates the length of into to be at most length bv.

val union : t -> t -> t
union bv1 bv2 returns the union of the two sets
val inter : t -> t -> t
inter bv1 bv2 returns the intersection of the two sets
val diff_into : into:t -> t -> unit
diff ~into t Modify into with only the bits set but not in t.
Since 1.2
val diff : t -> t -> t
diff t1 t2 Return those bits found t1 but not in t2.
Since 1.2
val select : t -> 'a array -> 'a list
select arr bv selects the elements of arr whose index corresponds to a true bit in bv. If bv is too short, elements of arr with too high an index cannot be selected and are therefore not selected.
val selecti : t -> 'a array -> ('a * int) list
Same as, but selected elements are paired with their index
type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit 
val to_seq : t -> int sequence
val of_seq : int sequence -> t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
Print the bitvector as a string of bits
Since 0.13