Module type CCLevenshtein.S

module type S = sig .. end

type char_ 
type string_ 

Edit Distance

val edit_distance : string_ -> string_ -> int
Edition distance between two strings. This satisfies the classical distance axioms: it is always positive, symmetric, and satisfies the formula distance a b + distance b c >= distance a c

An automaton, built from a string s and a limit n, that accepts every string that is at distance at most n from s.
type automaton 
Levenshtein automaton
val of_string : limit:int -> string_ -> automaton
Build an automaton from a string, with a maximal distance limit. The automaton will accept strings whose CCLevenshtein.S.edit_distance to the parameter is at most limit.
val of_list : limit:int -> char_ list -> automaton
Build an automaton from a list, with a maximal distance limit
val debug_print : (Pervasives.out_channel -> char_ -> unit) ->
Pervasives.out_channel -> automaton -> unit
Output the automaton's structure on the given channel.
val match_with : automaton -> string_ -> bool
match_with a s matches the string s against a, and returns true if the distance from s to the word represented by a is smaller than the limit used to build a

Index for one-to-many matching

module Index: sig .. end