Module CCBloom

module CCBloom: sig .. end

Bloom Filter

status: experimental
Since 0.13

type 'a sequence = ('a -> unit) -> unit 
type 'a gen = unit -> 'a option 
type 'a hash_funs = ('a -> int) array 
An array of k hash functions on values of type 'a. Never ever modify such an array after use!
val default_hash_funs : int -> 'a hash_funs
Use Hashtbl.seeded_hash on k seeds

Bloom Filter

type 'a t 
Bloom filter containing values of type 'a
val create : ?hash:'a hash_funs -> int -> 'a t
create ?hash size creates a filter with given size, and functions. By default it uses CCBloom.default_hash_funs
val create_default : ?hash_len:int -> int -> 'a t
create_default ?hash_len size is the same as create ~hash:(default_hash_funs hash_len) size. It uses the given number of default hash functions.
val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
Copy of the filter
val size : 'a t -> int
Length of the underlying array. Do not confuse with a cardinal function, which is impossible to write for bloom filters
val load : 'a t -> float
Ratio of 1 bits in the underlying array. The closer to 1., the less accurate CCBloom.mem is
val mem : 'a t -> 'a -> bool
mem f x tests whether x (probably) belongs to f
val add : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
add f x adds x into f
val union_mut : into:'a t -> 'a t -> unit
union_mut ~into f changes into into the union of into and f. into and f MUST have the same set of hash functions
Raises Invalid_argument if the two sets do not have the same size
val union : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
The sets MUST have the same set of hash functions
Raises Invalid_argument if the two sets do not have the same size
val inter_mut : into:'a t -> 'a t -> unit
inter_mut ~into f changes into into the intersection of into and f into and f MUST have the same set of hash functions
Raises Invalid_argument if the two sets do not have the same size
val inter : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
The sets MUST have the same set of hash functions
Raises Invalid_argument if the two sets do not have the same size


val add_list : 'a t -> 'a list -> unit
val add_seq : 'a t -> 'a sequence -> unit
val add_gen : 'a t -> 'a gen -> unit