Module CCBitField

module CCBitField: sig .. end

Bit Field

This module defines efficient bitfields up to 30 or 62 bits (depending on the architecture) in a relatively type-safe way.

module B = CCBitField.Make(struct end);;

#install_printer B.pp;;

module X = (val ~name:"x" ~width:3 ());;
module Y = (val ~name:"y" ~width:2 ());;
module Z = (val B.bool ~name:"z" ());;

let f = B.empty |> X.set 3 |> Y.set 1;;

Z.get f ;;

f |> Z.set true |> Z.get ;;

Format.printf "f: %a@." B.pp f;;

status: experimental
Since 0.13

exception TooManyFields
Raised when too many fields are packed into one bitfield
exception Frozen
Raised when a frozen bitfield is modified
module type EMPTY = sig .. end
Used for generativity on versions of OCaml older than 4.02
val max_width : int
System-dependent maximum width for a bitfield, typically 30 or 62
module type S = sig .. end
Bitfield Signature
module Make (X : EMPTY) : S 
Create a new bitfield type