Module Mc2_core__Plugin


type _ service_list =
| S_nil : unit service_list
| S_cons : 'a Mc2_core.Service.Key.t * 'a * 'b service_list -> ('a * 'b) service_list

Heterogeneous tuple of services

type _ service_key_list =
| K_nil : unit service_key_list
| K_cons : 'a Mc2_core.Service.Key.t * 'b service_key_list -> ('a * 'b) service_key_list

Heterogeneous tuple of keys

module type S = sig ... end

Main interface for plugins. Each plugin must abide by this interface.

type t = (module S)
val owns_term : t -> Mc2_core__.Solver_types.term -> bool
val name : t -> string


module Factory : sig ... end