Module QCheck.TestResult

Result of running a test

type 'a counter_ex = {
instance : 'a;

(** The counter-example(s) *)

shrink_steps : int;

(** How many shrinking steps for this counterex *)

msg_l : string list;

(** messages.

  • Since: 0.7


type 'a failed_state = 'a counter_ex list
type 'a state =
| Success
| Failed of 'a failed_state

(** Failed instances *)

| Error of 'a counter_ex * exn * string

(** Error, backtrace, and instance that triggered it *)

type 'a t = {
mutable state : 'a state;
mutable count : int;
mutable count_gen : int;
collect_tbl : (string, int) Hashtbl.t lazy_t;
stats_tbl : ('a stat * (int, int) Hashtbl.t) list;


  • Since: 0.6


mutable instances : 'a list;

(** List of instances used for this test, in no particular order.

  • Since: 0.9


val collect : _ t ‑> (string, int) Hashtbl.t option

Obtain statistics

val stats : 'a t ‑> ('a stat * (int, int) Hashtbl.t) list

Obtain statistics

val is_success : _ t ‑> bool

Returns true iff the state if Success