Module GenLabels.IO

val with_in : ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> file:string ‑> (char t ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a

with_in ~file f opens file and calls f g, where g is a generator of characters from the file. The generator is only valid within the scope in which f is called.

val with_lines : ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> file:string ‑> (string t ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a

with_lines ~file f opens file file and calls f g, where g is a generator that iterates on the lines from the file. Do not use the generator outside of the scope of f

val write_str : ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> ?⁠sep:string ‑> file:string ‑> string t ‑> unit

write_to ~file g writes all strings from g into the given file. It takes care of opening and closing the file. Does not add sep after the last string.

val write : ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> file:string ‑> char t ‑> unit

Same as write_str but with individual characters

val write_lines : ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> file:string ‑> string t ‑> unit

write_lines ~file g is similar to write_str file g ~sep:"\n" but also adds '\n' at the end of the file