Module GenClone

Clonable Generators

Utils to save the internal state of a generator, and restart from this state. This will and should not work on any iterator, but for some of them (e.g. reading from a file, see IO) it makes a lot of sense.

type 'a gen = unit ‑> 'a option
type 'a t = < gen : 'a gen; clone : 'a t; >

A generator that can be cloned as many times as required.

type 'a clonable = 'a t

Alias to 'a t

Prepend method

type 'a prependable = < gen : 'a gen; clone : 'a prependable; prepend : 'a ‑> unit; >
val to_prependable : 'a t ‑> 'a prependable


val map : ('a ‑> 'b) ‑> 'a t ‑> 'b t

Low-level Persistency


      let g = 1 -- 1000 ;;
      val g : int t = <fun>

      let c = g |> MList.of_gen_lazy |> MList.to_clonable;;
      val c : int clonable = <obj>

                c#next |> take 500 |> to_list;;
      - : int list = [1; 2; 3; .....; 500]

      let c' = c#clone ;;
      val c' : int clonable = <obj>

                 c |> to_list;;
      - : int list = [501; 502; ....; 1000]

        c'#gen |> to_list;;   (* c consumed, but not c' *)
      - : int list = [501; 502; ....; 1000]

        c#gen |> to_list;;
      - : int list = []


module IO : sig ... end