val getvalue : string -> Stdlib.Obj.t
val setvalue : string -> Stdlib.Obj.t -> unit
val filename_of_input : input -> string
val set_paths :
?auto_include:Load_path.auto_include_callback ->
?dir:string ->
unit ->
val loop : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> unit
val run_script : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input -> string array -> bool
type directive_fun =
| Directive_none of unit -> unit
| Directive_string of string -> unit
| Directive_int of int -> unit
| Directive_ident of Longident.t -> unit
| Directive_bool of bool -> unit
val add_directive : string -> directive_fun -> directive_info -> unit
val get_directive : string -> directive_fun option
val get_directive_info : string -> directive_info option
val directive_table : (string, directive_fun) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val directive_info_table : (string, directive_info) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t
val print_exception_outcome : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
val execute_phrase :
bool ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
Parsetree.toplevel_phrase ->
val preprocess_phrase :
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
Parsetree.toplevel_phrase ->
val use_input : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input -> bool
val use_output : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> bool
val use_silently : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input -> bool
val mod_use_input : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> input -> bool
val use_file : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> bool
val eval_module_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Stdlib.Obj.t
val eval_value_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Stdlib.Obj.t
val eval_extension_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Stdlib.Obj.t
val eval_class_path : Env.t -> Path.t -> Stdlib.Obj.t
val load_file : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> bool
val print_value :
Env.t ->
Stdlib.Obj.t ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
Types.type_expr ->
val print_untyped_exception : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Stdlib.Obj.t -> unit
val install_printer :
Path.t ->
Types.type_expr ->
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Stdlib.Obj.t -> unit) ->
val install_generic_printer :
Path.t ->
Path.t ->
(int ->
(int ->
Stdlib.Obj.t ->
Stdlib.Obj.t ->
gen_printer) ->
val install_generic_printer' :
Path.t ->
Path.t ->
(Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
Stdlib.Obj.t ->
Stdlib.Format.formatter ->
Stdlib.Obj.t ->
gen_printer ->
val remove_printer : Path.t -> unit
val max_printer_depth : int ref
val max_printer_steps : int ref
val parse_toplevel_phrase :
(Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase) ref
val parse_use_file :
(Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase list) ref
val print_location : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Location.t -> unit
val print_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Location.error -> unit
val print_warning : Location.t -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Warnings.t -> unit
val input_name : string ref
val print_out_value :
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_value -> unit) ref
type 'a oprinter := 'a Oprint.printer
val print_out_type : Outcometree.out_type oprinter
val print_out_class_type : Outcometree.out_class_type oprinter
val print_out_module_type : Outcometree.out_module_type oprinter
val print_out_type_extension : Outcometree.out_type_extension oprinter
val print_out_sig_item : Outcometree.out_sig_item oprinter
val print_out_signature : Outcometree.out_sig_item list oprinter
val print_out_phrase :
(Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Outcometree.out_phrase -> unit) ref
val read_interactive_input : (string -> bytes -> int -> int * bool) ref
val toplevel_startup_hook : (unit -> unit) ref
val add_hook : (event -> unit) -> unit
val run_hooks : event -> unit
val may_trace : bool ref
split_path path
splits path
according to the PATH-splitting conventions of the platform. On Unix, this is exactly String.split_on_char ':' path
. On Windows, entries are separated by semicolons. Sections of entries may be double-quoted (which allows semicolons in filenames to be quoted). The double-quote characters are stripped (i.e. f"o"o = foo
; also split_path "foo\";\";bar" = ["foo;"; "bar"])
val preload_objects : string list ref
List of compilation units to be loaded before entering the interactive loop.
val prepare : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> ?input:input -> unit -> bool
Setup the load paths and initial toplevel environment and load compilation units in preload_objects