Substitutions are used to translate a type from one context to another. This requires substituting paths for identifiers, and possibly also lowering the level of non-generic variables so that they are inferior to the maximum level of the new context.
Substitutions can also be used to create a "clean" copy of a type. Indeed, non-variable node of a type are duplicated, with their levels set to generic level. That way, the resulting type is well-formed (decreasing levels), even if the original one was not.
In the presence of local substitutions for module types, a substitution for a type expression may fail to produce a well-formed type. In order to confine this issue to local substitutions, the type of substitutions is split into a safe and unsafe variant. Only unsafe substitutions may expand a module type path into a generic module type.
val identity : 'a subst
val change_locs : 'k subst -> Location.t -> 'k subst
val type_expr : t -> Types.type_expr -> Types.type_expr
val class_type : t -> Types.class_type -> Types.class_type
val value_description : t -> Types.value_description -> Types.value_description
val type_declaration : t -> Types.type_declaration -> Types.type_declaration
val extension_constructor :
t ->
Types.extension_constructor ->
val class_declaration : t -> Types.class_declaration -> Types.class_declaration
val cltype_declaration :
t ->
Types.class_type_declaration ->
When applied to a signature item, a substitution not only modifies the types present in its declaration, but also refreshes the identifier of the item. Effectively this creates new declarations, and so one should decide what the scope of this new declaration should be.
This is decided by the scoping
argument passed to the following functions.
val modtype : scoping -> t -> Types.module_type -> Types.module_type
val signature : scoping -> t -> Types.signature -> Types.signature
val signature_item :
scoping ->
t ->
Types.signature_item ->
val modtype_declaration :
scoping ->
t ->
Types.modtype_declaration ->
val module_declaration :
scoping ->
t ->
Types.module_declaration ->
Composition of substitutions: apply (compose s1 s2) x = apply s2 (apply s1 x) *
module Unsafe : sig ... end
module Lazy : sig ... end