Module Gprinttyp.Decoration

Node and decoration types

type color =
  1. | Named of string
  2. | HSL of {
    1. h : float;
    2. s : float;
    3. l : float;
val green : color
val blue : color
val red : color
val purple : color
val hsl : h:float -> s:float -> l:float -> color
type style =
  1. | Filled of color option
  2. | Dotted
  3. | Dash
type shape =
  1. | Ellipse
  2. | Circle
  3. | Diamond
type property =
  1. | Color of color
  2. | Font_color of color
  3. | Style of style
  4. | Label of string list
  5. | Shape of shape
val filled : color -> property
val txt : string -> property
val make : property list -> decoration