Constants are logical symbols, defined by the user thanks to an open type
module Ops : sig ... end
val ser :
ser_t:(Sidekick_core_logic__.Types_.term -> Sidekick_util.Ser_value.t) ->
t ->
string * Sidekick_util.Ser_value.t
val ty : t -> Sidekick_core_logic__.Types_.term
type decoders =
* Ops.t
* (Sidekick_core_logic__.Types_.term Sidekick_util.Ser_decode.t ->
view Sidekick_util.Ser_decode.t))
Decoders for constants: given a term store, return a list of supported tags, and for each tag, a decoder for constants that have this particular tag.
include Sidekick_sigs.EQ_HASH_PRINT with type t := t
include Sidekick_sigs.EQ with type t := t
include Sidekick_sigs.HASH with type t := t
val hash : t -> int
include Sidekick_sigs.PRINT with type t := t
val pp : t Sidekick_sigs.printer