Module to represent the result of running a test
type 'a counter_ex = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.counter_ex = {
instance : 'a;
The counter-example(s)
*)shrink_steps : int;
How many shrinking steps for this counterex
*)msg_l : string list;
type 'a failed_state = 'a counter_ex list
type 'a state = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.state =
| Success
| Failed of {
instances : 'a failed_state;
Failed instance(s)
| Failed_other of {
| Error of {
instance : 'a counter_ex;
exn : exn;
backtrace : string;
Error, backtrace, and instance that triggered it
*)Result state. changed in 0.10 (move to inline records, add Fail_other)
type 'a t = 'a QCheck2.TestResult.t
val get_count : _ t -> int
Get the count of a cell.
val get_count_gen : _ t -> int
val collect : _ t -> (string, int) Stdlib.Hashtbl.t option
Obtain statistics
val warnings : _ t -> string list
Obtain list of warnings
val is_success : _ t -> bool
Returns true iff the state if Success