Module Twirp_ezcurl

include module type of Twirp_core.Client.Common
module Error = Twirp_core.Error
type headers = (string * string) list
type error = Error.error
val pp_error : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> Error.error -> unit
val show_error : Error.error -> string
val pp_truncate_str : max:int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string -> unit

Print at most max bytes of s in "%S" form

val call : ?client:Ezcurl.t -> ?encoding:[ `JSON | `BINARY ] -> ?prefix:string option -> ?use_tls:bool -> ?headers:headers -> host:string -> port:int -> ('req, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary, 'res, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary) Pbrt_services.Client.rpc -> 'req -> ('res, error) result
exception E_twirp of error
val call_exn : ?client:Ezcurl.t -> ?encoding:[ `JSON | `BINARY ] -> ?prefix:string option -> ?use_tls:bool -> ?headers:headers -> host:string -> port:int -> ('req, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary, 'res, Pbrt_services.Value_mode.unary) Pbrt_services.Client.rpc -> 'req -> 'res

Same as call but raises E_twirp on failure.