Some useful functions built on top of Unix.
status: unstable
val call_full :
?bufsize:int ->
?stdin:[ `Gen of string gen | `Str of string ] ->
?env:string array ->
( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, call_result ) Stdlib.format4 ->
call_full cmd
wraps the result of Unix.open_process_full cmd
into an object. It reads the full stdout and stderr of the subprocess before returning.
val call :
?bufsize:int ->
?stdin:[ `Gen of string gen | `Str of string ] ->
?env:string array ->
( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, string * string * int ) Stdlib.format4 ->
call cmd
is similar to call_full cmd
but returns a tuple stdout, stderr, errcode
instead of an object.
val call_stdout :
?bufsize:int ->
?stdin:[ `Gen of string gen | `Str of string ] ->
?env:string array ->
( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, string ) Stdlib.format4 ->
type async_call_result =
< stdout : line gen
; stderr : line gen
; stdin : line -> unit
; close_in : unit
; close_err : unit
; close_out : unit
; close_all : unit
; wait : Unix.process_status
; wait_errcode : int >
A subprocess for interactive usage (read/write channels line by line)
val async_call :
?env:string array ->
( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, async_call_result ) Stdlib.format4 ->
Spawns a subprocess, like call
, but the subprocess's channels are line generators and line sinks (for stdin). If p
is async_call "cmd"
, then p#wait
waits for the subprocess to die. Channels can be closed independently.
val with_in :
?mode:int ->
?flags:Unix.open_flag list ->
string ->
f:( Stdlib.in_channel -> 'a ) ->
Open an input file with the given optional flag list, calls the function on the input channel. When the function raises or returns, the channel is closed.
val with_out :
?mode:int ->
?flags:Unix.open_flag list ->
string ->
f:( Stdlib.out_channel -> 'a ) ->
Same as with_in
but for an output channel.
Open a shell command in a subprocess and obtain a handle to its stdout.
CCUnix.with_process_in "ls /tmp" ~f:CCIO.read_lines_l;;
Open a shell command in a subprocess and obtain a handle to its stdin.
type process_full =
< stdin : Stdlib.out_channel
; stdout : Stdlib.in_channel
; stderr : Stdlib.in_channel
; close : Unix.process_status >
Handle to a subprocess.
val with_process_full :
?env:string array ->
string ->
f:( process_full -> 'a ) ->
Open a subprocess and obtain a handle to its channels.
On unix, call Unix.setsid()
to make sure subprocesses die at the same time as the current process. Does nothing on windows. Idempotent: it can be called several times but will only have effects, if any, the first time.
Wrap Unix
.open_connection with a handler.
Listen on the address and calls the handler in a blocking fashion. Using Thread
is recommended if handlers might take time. The callback should raise ExitServer
to stop the loop.
with_file_lock ~kind filename f
puts a lock on the offset 0 of the file named filename
, calls f
and returns its result after the file is unlocked. If f ()
raises an exception the exception is re-raised after the file is unlocked.
module Infix : sig ... end
include module type of Infix
val (?|) : ( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, call_result ) Stdlib.format4 -> 'a
Infix version of call
val (?|&) :
( 'a, Stdlib.Buffer.t, unit, async_call_result ) Stdlib.format4 ->
Infix version of async_call