Module Array.Make

Makes an array given an arbitrary element type


module Elt : sig ... end


type elt = Elt.t

The element type

type t = Elt.t array

The type of an array instance

val dummy : elt

A dummy element used for empty slots in the array

  • since 2.4
val create : int -> t

Make an array of the given size, filled with dummy elements.

val length : t -> int

length t gets the total number of elements currently in t.

val get : t -> int -> elt

get t i gets the element at position i.

val set : t -> int -> elt -> unit

set t i e sets the element at position i to e.

val sub : t -> int -> int -> t

sub t i len gets the sub-array of t from position i to i + len.

val copy : t -> t

copy t makes a fresh copy of the array t.

val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit

blit t s arr i len copies len elements from arr starting at i to position s from t.

val iter : ( elt -> unit ) -> t -> unit

iter f t iterates over the array t invoking f with the current element, in array order.