Module CCEither

Either Monad

Module that is compatible with Either form OCaml 4.12 but can be use with any ocaml version compatible with container

type 'a iter = ('a -> unit) -> unit
type 'a equal = 'a -> 'a -> bool
type 'a ord = 'a -> 'a -> int
type 'a printer = Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit


type ('a, 'b) t = ('a'b) Either.t =
| Left of 'a
| Right of 'b
val left : 'a -> ('a'b) t

left l is Left l

val right : 'b -> ('a'b) t

right r is Right r

val is_left : ('a'b) t -> bool

is_left x checks if x = Left _

val is_right : ('a'b) t -> bool

is_right x checks if x = Right _

val find_left : ('a'b) t -> 'a option

find_left x returns l if x = Left l and None otherwise.

val find_right : ('a'b) t -> 'b option

find_right x returns r if x = Left r and None otherwise.

val map_left : ('a1 -> 'a2) -> ('a1'b) t -> ('a2'b) t

Map of the Left variant.

val map_right : ('b1 -> 'b2) -> ('a'b1) t -> ('a'b2) t

Map of the Right variant.

val map : left:('a1 -> 'a2) -> right:('b1 -> 'b2) -> ('a1'b1) t -> ('a2'b2) t

Map using left or right.

val fold : left:('a -> 'c) -> right:('b -> 'c) -> ('a'b) t -> 'c

Fold using left or right.

val iter : left:('a -> unit) -> right:('b -> unit) -> ('a'b) t -> unit

Iter using left or right.

val for_all : left:('a -> bool) -> right:('b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t -> bool

Check some property on Left or Right variant.

val equal : left:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> right:('b -> 'b -> bool) -> ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t -> bool
val compare : left:('a -> 'a -> int) -> right:('b -> 'b -> int) -> ('a'b) t -> ('a'b) t -> int


val pp : left:'a printer -> right:'b printer -> ('a'b) t printer

Pretty printer.