type attribute =
[ `Color of string
| `Id of string
| `Label of string
| `Other of string * string
| `Shape of string
| `Style of string
| `Weight of int ]
type graph = string * CCKTree.Dot.attribute list CCKTree.t list
val mk_id :
('a, Buffer.t, unit, CCKTree.Dot.attribute) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val mk_label :
('a, Buffer.t, unit, CCKTree.Dot.attribute) Pervasives.format4 -> 'a
val make :
name:string ->
CCKTree.Dot.attribute list CCKTree.t list -> CCKTree.Dot.graph
val singleton :
name:string -> CCKTree.Dot.attribute list CCKTree.t -> CCKTree.Dot.graph
val pp_single :
string -> CCKTree.Dot.attribute list CCKTree.t CCKTree.printer
val pp : CCKTree.Dot.graph CCKTree.printer
val print_to_file : string -> CCKTree.Dot.graph -> unit
val to_file :
?name:string ->
string -> CCKTree.Dot.attribute list CCKTree.t list -> unit