See this file
This code is free, under the BSD license.
The logo (media/logo.png) is CC-SA3 wikimedia
The design is mostly centered around polymorphism rather than functors. Such structures comprise (some modules in misc/, some other in core/):
the core library, containers, now depends on cppo and base-bytes (provided by ocamlfind).
findlib name: containers
CCArray |
Array utils
CCArrayLabels |
Array utils
CCArray_slice |
Array Slice
CCBool |
Basic Bool functions
CCChar |
Utils around char
CCFloat |
Basic Float functions
CCFormat |
Helpers for Format
CCFun |
Basic Functions
CCHash |
Hash combinators
CCHashtbl |
Extension to the standard Hashtbl
CCHeap |
Leftist Heaps following Okasaki
IO Utils
CCInt |
Basic Int functions
CCInt64 |
CCList |
complements to list
CCListLabels |
complements to list
CCMap |
Extensions of Standard Map
CCOpt |
CCOrd |
CCPair |
Tuple Functions
CCParse |
Very Simple Parser Combinators
CCRandom |
Random Generators
CCRef |
CCResult |
Error Monad
CCSet |
Wrapper around Set
CCString |
Basic String Utils
CCVector |
Growable, mutable vector
Containers |
Drop-In replacement to Stdlib
The module Containers
contains aliases to most other modules defined
in containers core, and mixins
such as:
module List = struct
include List
include CCList
findlib name:
Various data structures.
CCBitField |
Bit Field
Imperative Bitvectors
CCCache |
CCDeque |
Imperative deque
CCFQueue |
Functional queues
CCFlatHashtbl |
Open-Addressing Hash-table
CCGraph |
Simple Graph Interface
CCHashSet |
Mutable Set
CCHashTrie |
Hash Tries
CCImmutArray |
Immutable Arrays
CCIntMap |
Map specialized for Int keys
CCMixmap |
Maps with Heterogeneous Values
CCMixset |
Set of Heterogeneous Values
CCMixtbl |
Hash Table with Heterogeneous Keys
CCMultiMap |
CCMultiSet |
CCPersistentArray |
Persistent Arrays
CCPersistentHashtbl |
Persistent hash-table on top of OCaml's hashtables
Random-Access Lists
CCRingBuffer |
Circular Buffer (Deque)
CCTrie |
Prefix Tree
CCWBTree |
Weight-Balanced Tree
Helpers that depend on Unix
, e.g. to spawn sub-processes.
CCUnix |
High-level Functions on top of Unix
A small S-expression library. The interface is relatively unstable, but
the main type (CCSexp.t
) isn't.
CCSexp |
Handling S-expressions
CCKList |
Continuation List
CCKTree |
Lazy Tree Structure
This structure can be used to represent trees and directed
graphs (as infinite trees) in a lazy fashion.
CCLazy_list |
Lazy List
containers.string has been removed. Some of its functionality is present
in CCString
; some in other libraries such as Spelll
containers.bigarray has been removed. Use the Bigstring
library for
arrays of bytes.
containers.advanced has been removed. Use OLinq
to replace some of its
Moved to its own repository.
Moved to its own repository
findlib name: containers.thread
Modules related to the use of Thread
CCBlockingQueue |
Blocking Queue
CCLock |
Utils around Mutex
CCPool |
Thread Pool, and Futures
CCSemaphore |
CCThread |
CCTimer |
Event timer