Functor CCKMP.Make

module Make (Str : STRING) : S  with type string = Str.t

type string 
type pattern 
Compiled pattern (needle: string to search in another string)
val compile : string -> pattern
Compile a string into a pattern
val find : pattern:pattern -> string -> int -> int option
find ~pattern s i finds the next occurrence of pattern in s starting at offset i, and returns it, or returns None if the pattern doesn't occur.
val search : pattern:pattern -> string -> int option
search ~pattern s is a shortcut for find ~pattern s 0.
val find_all : pattern:pattern -> string -> int -> int CCKMP.gen
Generator on all occurrences of the pattern
val seq : pattern:pattern -> string -> int -> int CCKMP.sequence
iterate on matching positions

One-shot functions that compile the pattern on-the-fly

val search' : pattern:string -> string -> int option
val find_all' : pattern:string -> string -> int CCKMP.gen
val seq' : pattern:string -> string -> int CCKMP.sequence