Module Moonpool_lwt.IO_out

Output channel

class type t = object ... end
val create : ?flush:(unit -> unit) -> ?close:(unit -> unit) -> output_char:(char -> unit) -> output:(bytes -> int -> int -> unit) -> unit -> t
val dummy : t
val of_unix_fd : ?close_noerr:bool -> ?buf:bytes -> Unix.file_descr -> t
val of_buffer : Stdlib.Buffer.t -> t
val output_char : t -> char -> unit

Output the buffer slice into this channel

val output : t -> bytes -> int -> int -> unit

Output the buffer slice into this channel

val output_string : t -> string -> unit
val output_line : t -> string -> unit
val close : < close : unit -> unit.. > -> unit

Close the channel.

val flush : < flush : unit -> unit.. > -> unit

Flush (ie. force write) any buffered bytes.

val output_int : t -> int -> unit
val output_lines : t -> string Stdlib.Seq.t -> unit
val tee : t list -> t