Module Lwt_unix.Versioned

Versioned variants of APIs undergoing breaking changes.

val bind_1 : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit

Old version of Lwt_unix.bind. The current Lwt_unix.bind evaluates to a promise, because the internal bind(2) system call can block if the given socket is a Unix domain socket.

  • since 2.7.0
val bind_2 : file_descr -> sockaddr -> unit Lwt.t

Since Lwt 3.0.0, this is just an alias for Lwt_unix.bind.

  • since 2.7.0
val recv_msg_2 : socket:file_descr -> io_vectors:IO_vectors.t -> (int * Unix.file_descr list) Lwt.t

Since Lwt 5.0.0, this is an alias for Lwt_unix.recv_msg.

  • since 4.3.0
val send_msg_2 : socket:file_descr -> io_vectors:IO_vectors.t -> fds:Unix.file_descr list -> int Lwt.t

Since Lwt 5.0.0, this is an alias for Lwt_unix.send_msg.

  • since 4.3.0