Module Maki.Codec


Maki deals with functions that return values of any type that provides a 'a Codec.t implementation; that is, values that we can serialize and unserialize. The reason is that values are stored on disk for memoization purposes.

type 'a t = {
descr : string;
encode : 'a ‑> encoded_value * hash list;

(** encode x should return a string encoding of x, to be stored for the computation of some function, as well as a list of hash of sub-values used by x (for garbage collection purposes) *)

decode : encoded_value ‑> 'a or_error;

(** Decode the main value from its serialized representation *)

val make : encode:('a ‑> encoded_value * hash list) ‑> decode:(encoded_value ‑> 'a or_error) ‑> string ‑> 'a t
val make_leaf : encode:('a ‑> encoded_value) ‑> decode:(encoded_value ‑> 'a or_error) ‑> string ‑> 'a t

Encode an atomic value, as a leaf of the dependency graph. The value cannot depend on any other value (see make for that)

val encode : 'a t ‑> 'a ‑> encoded_value * hash list

encode codec x uses the codec to encode x into a string that can be persisted to some Storage. It also returns the list of hashes of other values this one depends on

val decode : 'a t ‑> encoded_value ‑> 'a or_error

decode codec s tries to decode the string s using codec into a proper value

val make_bencode : encode:('a ‑> Bencode.t * hash list) ‑> decode:(Bencode.t ‑> 'a or_error) ‑> string ‑> 'a t

Encode via a conversion to Bencode

val make_leaf_bencode : encode:('a ‑> Bencode.t) ‑> decode:(Bencode.t ‑> 'a or_error) ‑> string ‑> 'a t

Encode a leaf via bencode

val int : int t
val string : string t
val bool : bool t
val float : float t
val or_error : 'a t ‑> 'a or_error t
val marshal : string ‑> 'a t

marshal descr encodes and decodes using marshal. Unsafe, but useful for prototyping.