Module Types.Diagnostic

type t = {
  1. code : Jsonrpc.Id.t option;
  2. codeDescription : CodeDescription.t option;
  3. data : Import.Json.t option;
  4. message : [ `String of string | `MarkupContent of MarkupContent.t ];
  5. range : Range.t;
  6. relatedInformation : DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t list option;
  7. severity : DiagnosticSeverity.t option;
  8. source : string option;
  9. tags : DiagnosticTag.t list option;
val create : ?code:Jsonrpc.Id.t -> ?codeDescription:CodeDescription.t -> ?data:Import.Json.t -> message:[ `String of string | `MarkupContent of MarkupContent.t ] -> range:Range.t -> ?relatedInformation:DiagnosticRelatedInformation.t list -> ?severity:DiagnosticSeverity.t -> ?source:string -> ?tags:DiagnosticTag.t list -> unit -> t
include Ppx_yojson_conv_lib.Yojsonable.S with type t := t
val t_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> t
val yojson_of_t : t -> Yojson.Safe.t