Module Lsp.Client_notification

type t =
  1. | TextDocumentDidOpen of Types.DidOpenTextDocumentParams.t
  2. | TextDocumentDidClose of Types.DidCloseTextDocumentParams.t
  3. | TextDocumentDidChange of Types.DidChangeTextDocumentParams.t
  4. | DidSaveTextDocument of Types.DidSaveTextDocumentParams.t
  5. | WillSaveTextDocument of Types.WillSaveTextDocumentParams.t
  6. | DidChangeWatchedFiles of Types.DidChangeWatchedFilesParams.t
  7. | DidCreateFiles of Types.CreateFilesParams.t
  8. | DidDeleteFiles of Types.DeleteFilesParams.t
  9. | DidRenameFiles of Types.RenameFilesParams.t
  10. | ChangeWorkspaceFolders of Types.DidChangeWorkspaceFoldersParams.t
  11. | ChangeConfiguration of Types.DidChangeConfigurationParams.t
  12. | Initialized
  13. | Exit
  14. | CancelRequest of Jsonrpc.Id.t
  15. | WorkDoneProgressCancel of Types.WorkDoneProgressCancelParams.t
  16. | SetTrace of Types.SetTraceParams.t
  17. | WorkDoneProgress of Progress.t Types.ProgressParams.t
  18. | UnknownNotification of Jsonrpc.Notification.t
val of_jsonrpc : Jsonrpc.Notification.t -> (t, string) result
val to_jsonrpc : t -> Jsonrpc.Notification.t