Index of values

(--) [QCheck.Gen]
(--) [QCheck]
Synonym to QCheck.int_range
(<*>) [QCheck.Iter]
(<*>) [QCheck.Gen]
Infix operator for composing a function generator and an argument generator into a result generator
(<+>) [QCheck.Iter]
Synonym to QCheck.Iter.append
(==>) [QCheck]
b1 ==> b2 is the logical implication b1 => b2 ie not b1 || b2 (except that it is strict and will interact better with QCheck.Test.check_exn and the likes, because they will know the precondition was not satisfied.).
(>:::) [QCheck_runner]
Same as OUnit.>::: but with a list of QCheck tests
(>>=) [QCheck.Iter]
(>>=) [QCheck.Gen]
Monadic bind for writing dependent generators.
(>|=) [QCheck.Iter]
(>|=) [QCheck.Gen]
An infix synonym for

always [QCheck]
Always return the same element
append [QCheck.Iter]
array [QCheck.Shrink]
Shrink an array.
array [QCheck.Print]
Array printer.
array [QCheck.Gen]
Builds an array generator from an element generator.
array [QCheck]
generates arrays with length generated by small_nat
array_of_size [QCheck]
generates arrays with length from the given distribution
array_repeat [QCheck.Gen]
array_repeat i g builds an array generator from exactly i elements generated by g
array_size [QCheck.Gen]
Builds an array generator from a (non-negative) size generator and an element generator
assume [QCheck]
assume cond checks the precondition cond, and does nothing if cond=true.
assume_fail [QCheck]
assume_fail () is like assume false, but can take any type since we know it always fails (like assert false).

bool [QCheck.Print]
Boolean printer
bool [QCheck.Gen]
The Boolean generator
bool [QCheck]
uniform boolean generator

char [QCheck.Print]
Character printer
char [QCheck.Gen]
Generates characters upto character code 255
char [QCheck]
Uniformly distributed on all the chars (not just ascii or valid latin-1)
check_cell [QCheck.Test]
check ~long ~rand test generates up to count random values of type 'a using arbitrary and the random state st.
check_cell_exn [QCheck.Test]
Same as QCheck.Test.check_cell but calls QCheck.Test.check_result on the result.
check_exn [QCheck.Test]
Same as QCheck.Test.check_cell but calls QCheck.Test.check_result on the result.
check_result [QCheck.Test]
check_result cell res checks that res is Ok _, and returns unit.
choose [QCheck]
Choose among the given list of generators.
comap [QCheck.Print]
comap f p maps p, a printer of type 'b, to a printer of type 'a by first converting a printed value using f : 'a -> 'b.

empty [QCheck.Iter]

find [QCheck.Iter]
fix [QCheck.Gen]
Fixpoint combinator for generating recursive, size-bounded data types.
float [QCheck.Print]
Floating point number printer
float [QCheck.Gen]
Generates floating point numbers
float [QCheck]
generates regular floats (no nan and no infinities)
frequency [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators.
frequency [QCheck]
Similar to QCheck.oneof but with frequencies
frequencya [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given array of values.
frequencya [QCheck]
Same as QCheck.frequencyl, but with an array
frequencyl [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of values.
frequencyl [QCheck]
Same as QCheck.oneofl, but each element is paired with its frequency in the probability distribution (the higher, the more likely)
fun1 [QCheck]
generator of functions of arity 1.
fun2 [QCheck]
generator of functions of arity 2.

generate [QCheck.Gen]
generate ~n g generates n instances of g
generate1 [QCheck.Gen]
generate1 g generates one instance of g
get_arbitrary [QCheck.Test]
get_count [QCheck.Test]
Get the count of a cell
get_law [QCheck.Test]
get_long_factor [QCheck.Test]
Get the long factor of a cell
get_name [QCheck.Test]

int [QCheck.Shrink]
int [QCheck.Print]
Integer printer
int [QCheck.Gen]
Generates integers uniformly
int [QCheck]
int generator.
int32 [QCheck]
int32 generator.
int64 [QCheck]
int generator.
int_bound [QCheck.Gen]
Uniform integer generator producing integers within 0... bound.
int_bound [QCheck]
int_bound n is uniform between 0 and n included
int_range [QCheck.Gen]
Uniform integer generator producing integers within low,high
int_range [QCheck]
int_range a b is uniform between a and b included.

join [QCheck.Gen]
Collapses a generator of generators to simply a generator.

list [QCheck.Shrink]
Try to shrink lists by removing elements one by one.
list [QCheck.Print]
List printer.
list [QCheck.Gen]
Builds a list generator from an element generator.
list [QCheck]
generates lists with length generated by small_nat
list_of_size [QCheck]
generates lists with length from the given distribution
list_repeat [QCheck.Gen]
list_repeat i g builds a list generator from exactly i elements generated by g
list_size [QCheck.Gen]
Builds a list generator from a (non-negative) size generator and an element generator
long_tests [QCheck_runner]
Is the default mode to run long tests or nor?

make [QCheck.Test]
make arb prop builds a test that checks property prop on instances of the generator arb.
make [QCheck]
Builder for arbitrary.
make_cell [QCheck.Test]
make arb prop builds a test that checks property prop on instances of the generator arb.
map [QCheck.Iter]
map [QCheck.Gen]
map f g transforms a generator g by applying f to each generated element
map [QCheck]
map f a returns a new arbitrary instance that generates values using a#gen and then transforms them through f.
map2 [QCheck.Iter]
map2 [QCheck.Gen]
map f g1 g2 transforms two generators g1 and g2 by applying f to each pair of generated elements
map3 [QCheck.Gen]
map f g1 g2 g3 transforms two generators g1, g2, and g3 by applying f to each triple of generated elements
map_keep_input [QCheck.Gen]
map f g transforms a generator g by applying f to each generated element.
map_keep_input [QCheck]
map_keep_input f a generates random values from a, and maps them into values of type 'b using the function f, but it also keeps the original value.
map_same_type [QCheck]
Specialization of map when the transformation preserves the type, which makes shrinker, printer, etc.

nat [QCheck.Gen]
Generates small natural numbers
neg_float [QCheck]
negative float generator (no nan and no infinities)
neg_int [QCheck.Gen]
Generates negative integers
neg_int [QCheck]
negative int generator.
nfloat [QCheck.Gen]
Generates negative floating point numbers
nil [QCheck.Shrink]
No shrink
numeral [QCheck.Gen]
Generates numeral characters
numeral_char [QCheck]
uniformy distributed over '0'..'9'
numeral_string [QCheck]
generates strings with a distribution of length of small_nat and distribution of characters of numeral_char
numeral_string_of_size [QCheck]
generates strings with a distribution of characters of numeral_char

of_array [QCheck.Iter]
of_list [QCheck.Iter]
oneof [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of generators
oneof [QCheck]
Pick a generator among the list, randomly
oneofa [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given array of values
oneofa [QCheck]
Pick an element randomly in the array
oneofl [QCheck.Gen]
Constructs a generator that selects among a given list of values
oneofl [QCheck]
Pick an element randomly in the list
opt [QCheck.Gen]
An option generator
option [QCheck.Shrink]
option [QCheck.Print]
Option printer
option [QCheck]
choose between returning Some random value, or None

pair [QCheck.Shrink]
pair [QCheck.Iter]
pair [QCheck.Print]
Pair printer.
pair [QCheck.Gen]
Generates pairs
pair [QCheck]
combines two generators into a generator of pairs
pfloat [QCheck.Gen]
Generates positive floating point numbers
pint [QCheck.Gen]
Generates positive integers uniformly
pos_float [QCheck]
positive float generator (no nan and no infinities)
pos_int [QCheck]
positive int generator.
print_c_ex [QCheck.Test]
print_error [QCheck.Test]
print_fail [QCheck.Test]
print_instance [QCheck.Test]
print_test_error [QCheck.Test]
print_test_fail [QCheck.Test]
printable [QCheck.Gen]
Generates printable characters
printable_char [QCheck]
uniformly distributed over a subset of chars
printable_string [QCheck]
generates strings with a distribution of length of small_nat and distribution of characters of printable_char
printable_string_of_size [QCheck]
generates strings with distribution of characters of printable_char

quad [QCheck.Shrink]
quad [QCheck.Iter]
quad [QCheck.Print]
Quadruple (4-tuple) printer.
quad [QCheck.Gen]
Generates quadruples
quad [QCheck]
combines four generators into a generator of 4-tuples

random_state [QCheck_runner]
Access the current random state
return [QCheck.Iter]
return [QCheck.Gen]
Create a constant generator
run [QCheck_runner]
run test runs the test, and returns an error code that is 0 if all tests passed, 1 otherwise.
run_tap [QCheck_runner]
TAP-compatible test runner, in case we want to use a test harness.
run_tests [QCheck_runner]
Run a suite of tests, and print its results.
run_tests_main [QCheck_runner]
Can be used as the main function of a test file.

set_collect [QCheck]
set_long_tests [QCheck_runner]
Change the value of long_tests ()
set_name [QCheck.Test]
set_print [QCheck]
set_seed [QCheck_runner]
Change the QCheck_runner.random_state by creating a new one, initialized with the given seed.
set_shrink [QCheck]
set_small [QCheck]
set_verbose [QCheck_runner]
Change the value of verbose ()
shuffle_a [QCheck.Gen]
Shuffle the array in place
shuffle_l [QCheck.Gen]
Creates a generator of shuffled lists
sized [QCheck.Gen]
Create a generator from a size-bounded generator by first generating a size using QCheck.Gen.nat and passing the result to the size-bounded generator
sized_size [QCheck.Gen]
Create a generator from a size-bounded generator by first generating a size using the integer generator and passing the result to the size-bounded generator
small_int [QCheck.Gen]
Small UNSIGNED integers, for retrocompatibility
small_int [QCheck]
Small unsigned integers.
small_int_corners [QCheck]
As small_int, but each newly created generator starts with a list of corner cases before falling back on random generation.
small_list [QCheck.Gen]
Generates lists of small size (range 0 -- 10).
small_list [QCheck]
Generates lists of small size (range 0 -- 10).
small_nat [QCheck.Gen]
Synonym to QCheck.Gen.nat
small_nat [QCheck]
Small unsigned integers
small_printable_string [QCheck]
small_signed_int [QCheck.Gen]
small SIGNED integers
small_signed_int [QCheck]
Small signed integers
small_string [QCheck.Gen]
Builds a string generator.
small_string [QCheck]
Same as QCheck.string but with a small length (that is, 0--10)
string [QCheck.Shrink]
string [QCheck.Print]
String printer
string [QCheck.Gen]
Builds a string generator.
string [QCheck]
generates strings with a distribution of length of small_nat and distribution of characters of char
string_gen [QCheck]
generates strings with a distribution of length of small_nat
string_gen_of_size [QCheck]
string_of_size [QCheck]
generates strings with distribution of characters if char
string_size [QCheck.Gen]
Builds a string generator from a (non-negative) size generator.

to_ounit2_test [QCheck_runner]
to_ounit2_test ?rand t wraps t into a OUnit2 test
to_ounit2_test_list [QCheck_runner]
to_ounit2_test_list ?rand t like to_ounit2_test but for a list of tests
to_ounit_test [QCheck_runner]
to_ounit_test ~rand t wraps t into a OUnit test
to_ounit_test_cell [QCheck_runner]
Same as QCheck_runner.to_ounit_test but with a polymorphic test cell
triple [QCheck.Shrink]
triple [QCheck.Iter]
triple [QCheck.Print]
Triple (3-tuple) printer.
triple [QCheck.Gen]
Generates triples
triple [QCheck]
combines three generators into a generator of 3-tuples

ui32 [QCheck.Gen]
Generates (unsigned) int32 values
ui64 [QCheck.Gen]
Generates (unsigned) int64 values
unit [QCheck.Gen]
The unit generator
unit [QCheck]
always generates (), obviously.

verbose [QCheck_runner]
Is the default mode verbose or quiet?