A | |
arbitrary [QCheck] |
a value of type
'a arbitrary is an object with a method for generating random
values of type 'a , and additional methods to compute the size of values,
print them, and possibly shrink them into smaller counterexamples
C | |
callback [QCheck.Test] |
Callback executed after each test has been run.
cell [QCheck.Test] |
A single property test
counter_ex [QCheck.TestResult] | |
F | |
failed_state [QCheck.TestResult] | |
S | |
sized [QCheck.Gen] |
Random generator with a size bound
state [QCheck.TestResult] | |
T | |
t [QCheck.Test] | |
t [QCheck.TestResult] | |
t [QCheck.Shrink] |
Given a counter-example, return an iterator on smaller versions
of the counter-example
t [QCheck.Iter] | |
t [QCheck.Print] | |
t [QCheck.Gen] |
A random generator for values of type 'a