Module Containers

Drop-In replacement to Stdlib

module Array = CCArray
module Bool = CCBool
module Char = CCChar
module Equal = CCEqual
module Either = CCEither
module Float = CCFloat
module Format = CCFormat
module Fun = CCFun
module Hash = CCHash
module Hashtbl : sig ... end

Additional modules

module Byte_buffer = CCByte_buffer
module Byte_slice = CCByte_slice
module Heap = CCHeap
module Int = CCInt
module Int32 = CCInt32
module Int64 = CCInt64
module IO = CCIO
module List = CCList
module Map = CCMap
module Nativeint = CCNativeint
module Option = CCOption
module Ord = CCOrd
module Pair = CCPair
module Parse = CCParse
module Random = CCRandom
module Ref = CCRef
module Result = CCResult
module Seq = CCSeq
module Set = CCSet
module String = CCString
module Vector = CCVector
module Monomorphic = CCMonomorphic
module Utf8_string = CCUtf8_string
module Unit = CCUnit
module Atomic = CCAtomic
module Sexp = CCSexp
module Sexp_intf = CCSexp_intf
module Canonical_sexp = CCCanonical_sexp
module Stdlib = Stdlib
include module type of struct include Monomorphic end

Shadow unsafe functions and operators from Stdlib

  • since 2.0
val (=) : int -> int -> bool
val (<>) : int -> int -> bool
val (<) : int -> int -> bool
val (>) : int -> int -> bool
val (<=) : int -> int -> bool
val (>=) : int -> int -> bool
val compare : int -> int -> int
val min : int -> int -> int
val max : int -> int -> int

Infix operators for Floats

val (=.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1
val (<>.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1
val (<.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1
val (>.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1
val (<=.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1
val (>=.) : float -> float -> bool
  • since 2.1

Shadow Dangerous Operators

val (==) : [ `Consider_using_CCEqual_physical ]
  • deprecated Please use CCEqual.physical or Stdlib.(==) instead.
val (!=) : [ `Consider_using_CCEqual_physical ]
  • since 2.1
  • deprecated Please use [not CCEqual.physical] or Stdlib.(!=) instead.