Module Bigstring_unix


val with_map_file : ?⁠pos:int64 ‑> ?⁠len:int ‑> ?⁠mode:int ‑> ?⁠flags:Pervasives.open_flag list ‑> ?⁠shared:bool ‑> string ‑> (Bigstring.t ‑> 'a) ‑> 'a

with_map_file name f maps the file into memory, opening it, and call f with a slice pos.... pos+len of the bytes of the file where len is the length of the file if not provided. When f returns, the file is closed.

val map_file_descr : ?⁠pos:int64 ‑> ?⁠shared:bool ‑> Unix.file_descr ‑> int ‑> Bigstring.t

map_file_descr descr len is a lower-level access to an underlying file descriptor.